Any elders out there? How to Local needs talks work?

by Letts Party 26 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • NVR2L8
    NVR2L8 my 50 years in the cult I never heard a marking talk for child abusers...

  • LostGeneration

    Still a MS?

    Again, a great reason to step down.

    "Brothers, after last weeks local needs part, I realize that I am not an exemplary servant and must step down until my employment situation improves". Then shut your mouth and do not allow them any wiggle room to talk you into staying.

    You gotta stick it to these guys when the opportunity drops right into your lap.

  • RichardHaley

    Local needs and marking talks are two completely different things.

    Local needs is not given because one person in the cong has a problem. It is given when a small group is involved in something not necessarily wrong but could become an issue. Marking can and usually is directed at one individual who's conduct is borderline judicial or maybe they are an unbaptized pub and a judicial can't be invoked.

    We have had a recent local needs about wine tasting and driving. A small group in the cong does this for fun. Not wrong but could cause a DUI.

    Placing work ahead of meetings might be a problem with several in your cong, therefore the local needs. Local needs is usually benign since it usually is scheduled once per month in the KM.

    The above being said, it is still something that can be used to commend the cong or be abused by the BOE for wrong purposes.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    It needn't be viewed as a marking talk. I am certain you aren't the only one missing meetings for work. It can simply be a trend they have noticed and are adressing. Don't take it personal. At the very least it will make them nuts that you dont take it personal if it is directed at you. Did they mention to watch association with those who ignore this direction? If not it wasn't about marking. Roll on. If you're smart you won't attend any meetings and then won't have to listen to their hate speech.

  • hoser

    I had this happen to me but it was in a public talk. The elder who really doesn't like me went above and beyond the outline and described my materialistic lifestyle to a t. very soon after many started to shun us Some unfriended me on Facebook. Funny though no one ever told me one on one that I was doing anything wrong.

  • _Morpheus

    Just to echo, it wasnt a marking talk and very likely it wasnt directed soley at you. Local needs are often discussed by the whole body and address more than just one person. Its not worth a local needs (in the eyes of most BOE's) to address one persons lackadaisical meeting attendance. They would rather talk to you informally. That BOE probably saw it as a larger issue, your just one of many. Lose no sleep :)

  • fastJehu
    Would it be good enough for them if I say I go to a different hall to make up the meetings I miss?

    For me this worked. You could also tell them, that in your cong is no sister who fits to to, so you have to visit other congs to look for a sister.

  • thedepressedsoul

    All it does is make the congregation aware of an issue that they would normally have no idea or clue about. That's all I ever noticed and people are like, "I wonder who that was targeted at?"

    I see why they're doing away with it, completely pointless. I think it was a way to control people in the past and get power over them when it was something they couldn't DF you for so they made it a local needs to shape you up in the spot light.

    I remember the dating years in the congregation, the local needs kept being on dating even though we did nothing wrong. You can bet I went right up to elder after the local needs each time and confronted him.

  • thedepressedsoul

    I agree with Morpheus though. It's probably an over all issue at your hall. Each person though probably isn't there enough to know it's an issue so each one of you thought it was directed at them!

  • thedepressedsoul

    I have some of the best stories about local needs, probably my favorite part to listen to =D

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