How will the Dubs spin this?
by Theredeemer 10 Replies latest jw friends
How will the Dubs spin this?
Theredeemer - "How will the Dubs spin this?"
As yet another Sign of the End.
As yet another Sign of the End.
This, for a while. Once it becomes obvious that the prophesy is bunk, they'll stop talking about it (ala king of the north) for a while.
Based on the current trends, this cult is moving away from trying to construct semi-logical interpretation of prophesy, and moving towards being based solely on emotional manipulation and groundless "armageddon is comming soon" statements. So in line with that, I don't see them trying to re-interpret the prophesy so that it'll make sense.
The only way the Dubs will have to rei-interpret is if the media and others consistently begin using the term "World Power" when speaking about China. Even then, as you say OEJ, they will probably ignore it anyway. It is just interesting to see how another one of their interpretations has proven false
The end is here!
I should stop preaching then
They will find a new light showing that the last empire wasn't the american one, but the chinese one....
It shouldn't be too hard to find in the Bible "someone rising from the East"
However pathetic that may be Coalize, I could see them saying that. Then all the Jws would say "Thats what I always thought anyway!"
Brett Arends, MarketWatch article on Yahoo! Finance: “This latest economic earthquake follows the development last year when China surpassed the U.S. for the first time in terms of global trade. . . . Make no mistake: This is a geopolitical earthquake with a high reading on the Richter scale.”
Maybe the GB will spin this with another of their references to the symbolic “earthquakes” in the book of Revelation relating to political upheaval, like they have already done in their Revelation Climax book. Maybe they need yet another version of that Revelation Climax book to be up-to-date with no doubt more of their conniving interpretations and speculations in this 21st century.
The United States is still the dominant financial power in the world.
China is a remote slave force to produce products for the people of the United States.
It's cheaper to maintain slaves in their own land because it doesn't cost as much to sustain them.
If the United States, otherwise identified as Babylon The Great, goes down perhaps from an attack of the Russian King of The North all the merchants will mourn because there is no one to buy their full stock of goods.
The pivotal mistake of JW's is that Babylon the Great is false religion. Once the get that worked out the rest of the prophecies will make sense.
They will find a new light showing that the last empire wasn't the american one, but the chinese one....
It shouldn't be too hard to find in the Bible "someone rising from the East"
We were also always at war with East Asia! :D