Why isn't the story of SAMPSON quickly and clearly regarded a myth?

by Terry 45 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Apognophos

    It's hard for me to understand most of the objections in this thread. Obviously the Witness teaching is that his strength came from God, on the condition that he didn't cut his hair. That was the one thing he had to do to show his loyalty, and he screwed it up.

    I did always feel that the account stuck out from the rest of the Bible, but supposedly the larger purpose of the Samson account was to represent "power", as one of God's cardinal attributes, so it made more sense that only one of God's servants would be given super-strength in the whole Bible.

  • garyneal
  • Vidiot

    All muscly and strong with long, flowing locks...

    ...women loved him, and men wanted to be him.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    the larger purpose of the Samson account was to represent "power", as one of God's cardinal attributes

    God's power cut short (no pun intended) by a pair of scissors. Epic fail.

    Vidiot: All muscly and strong with long, flowing locks...women loved him, and men wanted to be him.

    No, you're thinking of Fabio

    He's done a rash of TV appearances lately - and the clips end up on ...

  • RubaDub

    Probably why so many people skip it as useful scripture.

    Simon ...


    I don't think we will see this account referred to in any of the childrens' books or have Caleb refer to it in an upcoming video.

    Rub a Dub

  • bigmac

    you either believe the bible--and everything in it--or you dont. i kinda lost confidence when i got to the talking snake.

  • Vidiot

    Shirley - "you're thinking of Fabio"

    * gasp * How did you know???


    And while we're on the subject, why the hell has Fabio never been cast as Sampson???

  • whathehadas

    @Terry I would take that Samson killing a thousand men would make him the most feared man on earth. WHO in their right mind would be brave enough to even speak to him after hearing of his fits of rage? I seen Dracula Untold recently and one scene where Dracula kills a WHOLE army of Turks that tried to attack his castle. You would think that most of the fools would run after seeing 20 men get their asses whooped!


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Vidiot: And while we're on the subject, why the hell has Fabio never been cast as Sampson???

    I guess Hollywood director's just don't have any imagination....

    you either believe the bible--and everything in it--or you dont. i kinda lost confidence when i got to the talking snake.

    I lost confidence at, "In the beginning..."

  • Terry

    Apognophos: It's hard for me to understand most of the objections in this thread. Obviously the Witness teaching is that his strength came from God, on the condition that he didn't cut his hair. That was the one thing he had to do to show his loyalty, and he screwed it up.


    I'll have to go back and read the account. From memory, Samson did not consciously agree, choose, decide to have his hair cut.

    Yes, here it is.

    19 She made him fall asleep on her knees; then she called the man and had him shave off the seven braids of his head. After that she began to have control over him, for his power was leaving him.



    If a young man in the local Kingdom Hall started growing his hair he could tell the Elders he'd made a Nazarite vow.

    I wonder what their response would be?

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