I stopped ordering Chinese Take Out Food just to protest....
China officially #1 WORLD POWER, surpassed USA in economy and soon will in military.
by EndofMysteries 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I stopped ordering Chinese Take Out Food just to protest....
I considered boycotting anything made in China, but discovered I'd be naked & cold and unable to do any Christmas shopping.
" I stopped ordering Chinese Take Out Food just to protest...." - even American chinese food in many places has become a 'made in china' quality. I used to love general tso's chicken and I think each year it becomes less chicken and more breading. It's not a piece of chicken with a layer of breading but each piece is like a marble sized piece of meat with incased in a huge glob of breading as if nobody would notice they are eating more breading then actual chicken (if it is chicken lol).
ITKH just demonstrated exactly what level of ignorance and blindness it takes to be a witness. If the Facts even slightly go against anything Watchtarted, then fix it until the puzzle piece fits! Thank you ITKH for that demonstration!
May I comment:
First of all the concept that the Book of Revelation was predicting events in the distant future is rubbish. A careful reading, starting at ch.1,vs1 locates the predictions in the time of writing, as it says,
"the things that must shortly take place."
Those who attempt to predict the present through this document are doomed to disappointment, as Christians have been disappointed for 2000 years, and JWs in particular since the late 19th century.
Second, the dissemination of information in western economies has been reduced to a way of selling advertising space. To sell advertising space you must have circulation. To build and keep circulation you must present news (information) in a 'shock' format so that the curiousity of your readers will be aroused.
Looked at from that light, this news is overstated. Why? To shock readers and get them to buy/read the media outlet disemminating the information.
There is no doubt that one day China will become more powerful, must become more powerful, than any other nation, simply because of its size. Of course, it may then be in competition with India, presently struggling with a runaway population. But then, by that time, India and China may decide that they have more to achieve from co-operation than western-style competition.
The Chinese government has previously stated that the size of its economy is irrelevant, and that what is much more important is the GDP per head of population, and on that basis (even with 20% of its population living below or only a little above the poverty line) the USA is still clearly ahead of China.
Max Divergent
I wonder if the concentration of wealth in a few also concentrates effective political control in the same few. Thus a narrower national political agenda can be pursued; that is, the agenda that further concentrates power and wealth in the few including via foreign policy.
If that were so, then the US would be heading away from popular democracy and toward some form of corporate oligarchy, hopefully with democratic characteristics.
Such a drift would reduce the US long-term influence in the broader global contest of ideas, kind of like how capitalism/democracy/socialism with Chinese characteristics only affords the Chinese limited international political legitimacy.
Another poster says:
China only has a major economy because the world uses them to make cheap crap to buy.
There's no doubt that China became the world's factory. But, they make what other people order from them. If any nation has Chinese "cheap crap," its because that's what your fellow countrymen think you want (or, can afford).
But that's changing. Wages are going up, and factory production is going down (slightly). Is it part of a plan? Maybe. In 2008 I first noticed that the authorities in Guangzhou were closing down small 'cheap' manufacturing factories, telling them to go to Vietnam or to west China. With around 350 million people with a living standard not too different to the UK/USA, service industries are starting to grow.
More sophisticated products are also being made and sold. In Sydney, I travel to my universities in modern, 'made in China' trains. Boston commuters will soon do the same, as are commuters in many other countries.
As Metatron observed:
China exceeds the US in international trade and is building high speed rail to connect the world. Their influence is there but less noisy than the US.
You can now ship goods to Europe by train, rather than ship.
Yesterday, the Thai Parliament approved a bill, permitting China to build two new railways in Thailand. A few weeks ago the Indian and Chinese governments set up a planning project to build a new rail link into India. A few weeks before that a Lhasa and Xigatse (in Tibet) rail link commenced operation. Work will now commence on an extension that will eventually provide another link into India.
The day before yesterday the Nigerian government gave an order to Chinese companies to build a new 1400 km long railway along the Nigerian coast, for twelve billion dollars. (Link: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/11/20/us-china-railway-construction-nigeria-idUSKCN0J40C420141120 ).
Within China, starting 2007 a 15,000 km network of highspeed (200+km/hour) trains has been built, and new sections are being added all the time. By 2020, there will be 20,000 km of hi-speed trains, many of them operating at 300 km/hr. For example you can travel, Beijing to Shanghai in approx. 4 hours, making it competitive with air travel (2 hours airtime for the same trip).
And that only starts to describe what's been done in the rail field by China.
Militarily China is still not up to par with the US/UK military. If any major confrontation took place China would be taking on both the US/UK military. China is only where it is at because they let the US/UK have military dominance, and don't waste lot's of money on supporting a worldwide military influence.
Do you think that the UK forces are worth much?
(162,550 Regular and 28,860 Volunteer Reserve personnel.This gives a total strength of 191,410 Service Personnel.)
And, of course, if there was a major global confrontation, who do you think may be fighting alongside the Chinese. Recent developments in the international field, linked to Obama's obsessive hatred of Putin (probably because the Russians foiled US plans to destroy the Assad government in Syria) have pushed the Russians into greater co-operation with China. They have now agreed to sell any of their often excellent military equipment, including fighter planes that are likely better than the overweight, overcost F.35s to China.
No point to go on, with this 'whose got the bigger phallus,' type discussion.
Nice post fulltime. Although I knew about the railroads expanding I didn't even consider it a way China could really take off with high speed trains, etc for transporting goods. Europe is way ahead of USA in that regards. In the long term these things may end up having the USA falling way behind the game....I wonder what life will be like here come 20 years.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
See how they are smiling because of their economic prosperity?
Top world military powers. (not counting nuclear capability)
1. United States
2. Russia
3. China
4. India
5. United Kingdom