It seems the GB is trying to give the JWs a more modern, friendly image. New website, new logo, cartoons for instructing children, literature carts, slimmed-down books and magazines, etc. Yet on the other hand they delete some of the things many JWs enjoy most: the Book Study in private homes, congregation picnics and large get-togethers, private group Watchtower study sessions, colorful socks for men, denim dresses for women etc. Not to mention renewed stress on shunning family members who don't measure up, and discouraging fully enjoying leisure activities and educational pursuits. They claim to want new members, yet they make the average Witness's life less and less enjoyable. Doesn't make much sense to me. I guess that is what happens when there are uneducated dullards running the organization.
Why is the GB determined to delete the few enjoyable aspects of being a JW?
by NAVYTOWN 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I didn't realize they were getting rid of book studies and get-togethers. The clothes situation doesn't sound new to me, though. Not that I disagree. I always thought the Society was going to far with some of its restrictions there.
NAVYTOWN : Doesn't make much sense to me. I guess that is what happens when there are uneducated dullards running the organization.
No, unfortunately, it's quite the opposite! I consider these changes as dreadfully coherent : All the social time they're withdrawing lately have a thing in common : The WTBTS wasn't able te really have a plenary control of what was happening and what was said in these occasions ... They had only a relative control and it wasn't no more sufficient for them...
The WTBTS is lately clearly engaged in a total control process...
Rutherford is still reaching out from his grave with his bony hand firmly around the neck of the WTBTS.
When the Bible students slowly but surely broke away from Rutherford and the Society starting in 1919...... by the mid 1930's up wards of 70% left........ if I have that figure correct. Rutherford and friends had to reinvigorate the newly named JW's and they did so by autocratic control of even the most minute issues. In short you believed what they taught when they taught it and you believed the new light until it became old light. The key to understanding the Society and it's followers is that everyone marches in step and little to no independent thinking in the R & F is allowed.
The Society see's it self as the leadership of a vast Christian army which is to always carry out the orders of the WTBTS. It's followers are an army that is expected to sacrifice everything to promote the WT interests.
The Dogma of the WTBTS is infused with their militarized corporate culture. It covers grooming, health issues and education.
Rules and Regulations keep their army strong. Everything is focused on that.......... unfortunately their followers are made up of married couples with children, teenagers, seniors, the ill, the undereducated, under employed. All of which creates a high level of dysfunction and unhappiness as people try to fall in line even though it presents a contradiction for living a normal life.
The GB are in the business of deleting anything and anyone that has the potential to take away the glory that belongs to them.
Its this ongoing 85 year Litmus Test, purging the ranks of independent thinkers, looking for the perfect flock of passive sheep...
I think Designs nailed it.
It's all about having passive sheep that only think and feel what the GB tells them to.
The WTS. has gone into slow reformation recently from its high strung days of the past.
They pushed so hard that Armageddon would be coming soon, which in reality
was a marketing scheme for attracting attention to their publications, now they have no other motive but to just peter down.
In that realization, the game now has shifted to one of sustainability for the power structure that exists, including keeping people employed as it were from CO, DO
Branch Heads, all the connecting business that are associated with the WTS. , even the GB members, there appears to be more of a focus on a individual level within the organization now.
Is the outside image that they are concern about. That is why we know have two version of the WT magazine. The watered down version to appeal to potential new converts, with messages of happiness and religious freedon like you never experienced before. And then there is the hardcode study version, the one meant to control. You would not make any new converts with the latter. The cartoons are also aim to make new converts, not only on the outside but also in the inside, to help indoctrinate children and create brand loyalty.
life is to short
I think Giordano nailed it in his post.