Mass Slaughter of Animals in Hindu Festival

by cofty 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    Thousands of animals have been slaughtered at a religious ceremony in Nepal. The Gadhimai festival takes place every 5 years. Apparently some imaginary deity can be bribed by the sight of blood.

    Before getting too judgemental does it remind you of anybody?

    The pictures in the slideshow are excellent.

    A Haunting Sacrifice - Reuters...

  • coalize

    It gave me nausea...

    But wait a minute!

    If i use my brain more than five second, I feel it's nothing compared to the sacrifices made to the Almighty God Capitalism ...

    In fact what was sacrificied these days to this imaginary hindu deity is only what is sacrified every second on the autel of mass consumption...

  • Heartofaboy
  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Wow. I would love to share this with my BIL.

    Animal sacrifice to Hindu god - disgusting and immoral.

    Animal sacrifice to Hebrew God - Oh what a sweet-smelling odor ascending to Jehovahs nostrils!

    BTW - I could imagine a future Jehovahs Trumpet article on this!

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Solomon made similar offerings to bible god, bible god was well pleased.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Speaking of Solomon. . . . .

    One of my favorite parts of "Atheist's Book of Bible Stories." Here's an excerpt:


    King Solomon was a very devout man. He also liked to do things in big ways. Take, for example, the sacrifice that he offered up during a festival:

    “Then the King and all the people offered sacrifice before the LORD. King Solomon offered as a sacrifice twenty-two thousand oxen and a hundred and twenty thousand sheep.” - 2 Chronicles 7:4,5

    Now, let’s pause for a moment and let these numbers sink in. According to verse 9, this festival lasted seven days. That means that one animal was killed every 4.3 seconds, day and night, for a week.

    Let’s look at it another way. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, an adult sheep would weigh between 80 and 400 pounds. Let’s take an average size of 200 pounds. Oxen come it at around 900 pounds. This means that Solomon slaughtered 43.8 million pounds of animals.

    This would be a pretty big pile of animal. If the animal carcasses were stacked, with no wasted space, it would make a pile of 3.9 million cubic feet, or, a pile 5 feet high, covering 18 acres."

  • designs


  • suavojr

    I read that article a few days ago and it just shows us how ignorant people can be. Now imagine if we could see these same pictures of Moses and his cronies doing the same immoral ritual. No blood can atone or pay for our mistakes in life, NO SACRIFICE. It reminds of what Sam Harris said, "Christianity is the worship of human sacrifice"

  • Simon

    McDonalds still has them beat.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    BoC, you beat me to it !! I love that book....and the math reveals the account for the sham it is.

    I wonder how many people in Nepal are starving and would've benefited from a good steak dinner?

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