They couldnt and wouldnt stop you from attending meetings, you would, however, be treated like a disfellowshipped person and they would, in fact, love if you kept coming to meetings because shunning is an art that must be learned by practice.
what would happen If?
by sowhatnow 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Why would you want to do that. Life is too short to was your time playing games with a cult.
have no intention of doing anything, just fading i hope.
This religion is like the hotel California, you can check in but you can never check out.
If you were baptized under the age of 18, could you hire a lawyer to nullify the "contract" with this corporation?
Minors can't enter into legal contracts~
just fade and move on with your life. If you want to study Bible and stay involved with Christian community, find a church that suit you. There is no nullification of baptism. Many people would have their baptism nullified if the change of the doctrine was radically different from the beliefs they held at the moment of baptism. If you attempt to do so, they will DA, because baptism is what ties individual to the JW organization as a legally bounding, spiritual contract. Once you are DA, you will be shunned. DA people are treated even worse than DFs people. People who were DFs due some failing like infidelity are still seen as a sinner who could return into the organization. People who DA, left on their own will where they by choice decided not to be JW. This is a grave issue and will not be forgiven. As DA person, they will shun you as a dangerous apostate and may even ask you to leave the premises.
Doomed either way to an outcast life...may as well be open about it and confident in your stand instead.
Show them that you are not cowering in fear of their actions....
Witness 007
Yes "Hotel California" is the general rule. If people could just quit it would be too easy...and not cult like at all.
The Searcher
We all have to rub shoulders with people to whom we are not particularly drawn, and who have certain viewpoints which seriously oppose our own, but we do not cut ourselves off from society because of such people. But on the other hand, neither would we want to regularly attend discussions by such ones as they espouse and indoctrinate such contrary thinking.
So it is with Witnesses; for the sake of family ties we attend meetings infrequently, and it stops there.
If we were to D/A or get D/F'd, we would have to establish a new social structure with people who will have a totally different set of values & morals from our own, which would feel like jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't! And there's nothing to prevent you from forming friendships in both camps. Just control the extent of your relationship with JW.ORG.
I agree with Searcher, never relinquish control. And keep clear long-term goals in mind. A knee-jerk decision that cannot be reversed may be regretted later.
kairos said about getting the "contract" cancelled, as I explained in my post above this achieves nothing, apart from more money in a Lawyers pocket.