Finally Gave My First Anti-Witness After 11 Years

by new light 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • new light
    new light

    Hello one and all.

    The local JWs had a booth set up at my university today and something just came over me. I went to a computer, found a list of failed prophecies, printed and stapled it, and walked over to the middle aged woman and the 10-ish years old girl. The woman said "If you are interested in anything, take it for free." I took a second to browse and then asked "Are you aware of your organization's 100+ year history of failed prophecies?" She said she was aware of some of it, but that really seemed like a way of diffusing the situation without giving the apostate any fuel. I showed her the multi-page list and though she clearly had a set of ready-made defenses, she let me say my piece. Love and empathy were basically pouring out of my face while I told her that I was born into a 4th generation of witnesses, that leaving was the best thing I ever did, that the GB tells the flock what to think, and that the organization is run on lies and manipulation. She thanked me somewhat sincerely. I think she knew I was coming from an honest place and I was trying to help her and the little girl. I left her with the list. A half hour later, I passed her booth on the way out of the building and our eyes met and we both smiled. Her facial expression before the eye contact was one of reflectiveness. Something may have gotten through.

  • gda

    good job bro, and sweet... with our love to those we do care about.

  • ivanatahan

    I applaud you for your move. You did an excellent and wise thing. :D

  • Tenacious

    When members see it in black and white with WT references it makes a big difference. Good going, hopefully she can save that poor 10 yr old.

  • ruderedhead

    Nicely done! We will listen when approached with sincerity & kindness vs. anger & accusations.

  • XkhanX

    Excellent. Help them to think critically and that's a first step to freedom. Leaving the WT is the Best thing we ever done

  • OnTheWayOut

    Good for you. I am glad you made it through that on such a compassionate level.

  • Apognophos

    It was nice that you tried, but I'm sure the list was thrown out as soon as you turned your back. That's what JWs do with apostate literature, remember?

  • JWdaughter

    We all had some kind of seed planted, and the ones planted with some care and thoughtfulness as to how they land are a lot more effective than crazy people screaming at folks going into meetings or the memorial and causing scenes. The crazy responses justify their claims of persecution and satanic influence. A loving approach forces folks to think.

  • new light
    new light

    Thank you all so much for the kind words. Your comments help me to be sure that I did the right thing. She asked why I was telling her these things and I said I do not want to burst anyone's bubble. That is what has been keeping me quiet these 11 years. I told her I have felt this way for years and this is the first time I have ever done this. I just hate the fact that if she believes me then she loses her beliefs and who knows what else. But for all I know she is single or, better yet, married to a worldly man and the information will make her marriage come back together. Very importantly, the little girl was right there the whole time. She heard every word. I get a little emotional when I think of the possibilities.

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