Why not just an elder rebellion regarding the new financial system regarding monies held by the congregation. Maybe they were handing them over and keeping a $5,000 maximum.
Elders removed in Northern PA. Congregation
by ToesUp 73 Replies latest jw friends
Sounds like it may have been a money issue coupled with a lack of JC action where the WTS can be held legally.
The WTS has probably made it known to all of their CO's that money is what matters and spirituality comes a distant second.
Tenatious, with respect, nothing about this indicates money. It seems to lean much more towards lack of judicial action or strong enough judicial action, perhaps even towards apostay. If it were money it would have been couched as failure to follow directions
I served back in the 1960's in Western PA our circuit included Warren PA, Butler, Kane Etc. What section of Northern PA did this take place in.....would appreciate knowing.
Without knowing anything at all, I would still bet it is something like Blondie suggests. It's probably about a money thing. The most likely is that the locals are protecting the congregation's money from the greedy organization and don't see it the way the C.O. presented it.
But don't feel bad. It may be the best thing that ever happened to these elders. They might even be relieved to be removed.
With that many elders of a body removed it's got to be 1 of 3 things.
1. Rampant know wife swapping among the elder body.
2. Open Satan worship among the elder body.
3. Failure of the elder body to send Crooklyn their money.
In Watchtower world follow the money. These guys probably seen where they would eventually need their own money, and they stood united against sending it to Crooklyn.
I've personally heard of an elder body being dissolved in one case, and although I wasn't privy to the details, it was definitely a moral failing or lack of responsibility on the part of the elder body rather than failing to send in money, etc.
However I have no idea what "indecisiveness" means in connection with removing elders, so that's bizarre. Maybe they were too lenient, giving reproofs instead of disfellowshipping, but then I would think that the CO would give a talk about standing up for Watchtower principles, maybe throw in the story of Phinehas as an example or read Paul's instruction to disfellowship the man who lived with his father's wife from 1 Corinthians.
What surprising the most in that story, is that I didn't know that CO had the power to make and unmake elders!
It's a new "light" ?
That's the only way to deal with an out-of-control elder body. The CO clears them out. How else would it be done? Just like your boss' boss can fire your boss, so the CO has the authority to remove the elder body -- though I wouldn't be surprised if it needs to be run by the branch first.
If it was a case of 7 elders learning TTATT, surprised since they were the majority they wouldn't all go on stage to say something prior to that happening. Another thing is they could have been 'bad' elders, covered something up without the WT clearance.