2014 AGM - Splane and Pyramids

by berrygerry 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • berrygerry

    Just read a comment on a site that said:

    "At the Annual General Meeting this year at Stanley Halls it is on tv.jw.org David Splane said the pyramid of Giza the bible students believed in for calculating time periods were from PAGANS"

    Wasted 2 hours watching the AM on JW tv.

    Splane indeed says this, and that Br. Whatever adjusted his view because of the 1928 WT.

    What the hell?

    Brothers are supposed to adjust their long-held views?

    Oh, but not yet.

    Gustav, buddy, you need to explain when someone, according to GB Splane, is supposed to use THEIR OWN POWER OF REASON, but otherwise just "All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not."

    Explain away.

    (And welcome back)

  • stuckinarut2

    Do you mean that the org has officially discussed those wacky old teachings publicly?

    Wow! That great, because I reckon 90% of witnesses never even knew of those stupid old teachings re pyramids etc that the org once promoted!

    This may help many to wake up and question other past and present teachings?

  • steve2

    So, if prior to 1928, any individual Bible Student had realized the pyramid-numerology's pagan connection and conscientiously declined to accept Russell's writings on the topic, that individual Bible Student would be judged as running ahead of Jehovah's organization and thus labelled an apostate to be excommunicated (in those days, the word 'disfellowshipped' was not in currency in the organization).

    This makes clear that the priority in the organization has never been "truth" per se but obedience to authority. Yet what else can you expect from any group of humans that appoints itself the sole channel and guardian of "truth"?

  • stuckinarut2

    Well said Steve2!

  • BetterGuyNow

    Your comment is absolutely right, Steve. It is not right or wrong, it's if the organization says it's right or wrong. We see it countless times through history, with serious things like dates and doctrine, and lesser like attending college, use of the internet, and electronics in the Hall. It's an antiquated system that holds onto its beliefs until it just can't do it and keep followers, and then it changes its viewpoint. Of course, one of the big selling points of the actual truth is that it never changes. They're happy to remind you of this when you're seeing technical changes in other religions, like acceptance of homosexuality in the ranks or female leaders, etc. "Just don't look at us too closely!"

  • designs

    'Its Right when I say its right'....

    Thanks dad. :(

  • Apognophos

    Do you mean that the org has officially discussed those wacky old teachings publicly?

    Um, they've talked about this publicly for years.

    *** jv chap. 14 p. 201 “They Are No Part of the World” ***
    For some 35 years, Pastor Russell thought that the Great Pyramid of Gizeh was God’s stone witness, corroborating Biblical time periods. (Isa. 19:19) But Jehovah’s Witnesses have abandoned the idea that an Egyptian pyramid has anything to do with true worship.

  • scoobydont

    Anyone with a link to Splane's speech, please ? I saw it somewhere, previously, and should have saved it !

  • DesirousOfChange

    'Its Right when I say its right'....

    Thanks dad. :(

    OR, "Thanks, Mother."



    I could be wrong, but I don't recall CTR ever being so dogmatic. He was a bit of a nut perhaps, but he would never have DF'd anyone. Rutherford would have, and probably on the grounds of "running ahead."

    There is a WT article about ones practicing "self deception" because they said there was no Slave "class" As taught by the WTBTS. They were right and were DF'd. Virtually zero dubs know of this, or realize how the WTBTS leaders "shelve" ideas. David Splane admitted this at the 2014 AGM. So what's right or wrong doesn't matter. The important thing is that they are the boss of you.

    They will release glorious nu-light when the corporation stands to benefit the most, and not before.

    LET'S REVIEW: It's a cult!! STFU and be blessed, amen.


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