Merry Christmas to you and your family as well Ray ! And a very merry Christmas to all here on JWN from me, my wife Mrs. Flipper and my son Flipper Jr. and his lady ! Have a great Christmas and a beautiful New year ! Peace out, Flippers
Merry Christmas to all of you on JWN and to those of you that have escaped mind control!
by RayPublisher 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well, I'm not in it for religious reasons -- I like the bright lights, cheerful sounds and good food! Brightens up the darkest part of winter and is so lovely to see. Merry Whatever folks - have a lovely, fun-filled solstice, whatever you call it.
Colorful twinkling lights, dark road through town, rain on the windshield, interesting smells as you pass the homes, restaurants, and christmas tree lots.
If it weren't for the fire danger here in the forest, we could build a huge straw man and set it on fire on the solstice. That and a mug of hot cocoa would be a good celebration to the end of shorter days.
Merry Christmas to all those who are now out of the jokehovian cancer.
As for those who insist on stealing the joy from children by threatening with damnation, and particularly those who insist that the joke-hova dedication is a legally binding contract and they can threaten to sue or drug people back, may those have a dreary Christmas and a crappy new year. And this goes for any judges that side with the jokehovian witlesses, abusing their power to carry out such injustice for those trying to leave the cancer in peace. Bad enough to threaten with judicial action and damnation. But, if they do use the Saturn in Sagittarius transit to start suing and drugging people back, I can only hope all those involved have the dreariest Christmas and the crappiest new year for the holidays they are helping steal from innocent children.
• Why some exJWs embrace holidays including Christmas
Although I am no longer Christian, if people choose this time of year to exchange gifts and well-wishes and tell people that they care about them, I will join them. Pagan or not. I love the comradery of people because of the celebration at this time of year.
Just as Watchtower quotes Bible scholars and puts their spin on the thoughts, I feel free to take Christmas and put my own spin on it. (How's that for tying in what you said about Watchtower?)
I think that if you examined EVERYTHING, all of it would have some kind of pagan origins. Merry Christmas, Ray Publisher. For the rest of us, have a festive Festivus.
Thanks for the holiday cheer! It's nice to see how many have cleaned out the silly WT "everything is pagan" way of thinking.