
by Hortensia 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Soon, Hortensia! Have thought of it many a time!


  • DJS


    You had me at "no damned marshmellows"! Tell me how to get there.

  • Hortensia

    second star to the right and straight on 'til morning

    or, go north on highway 5 in California until you're almost at Oregon. Take the second off-ramp for Mt. Shasta City. PM me for more details.

  • flipper

    If I didn't have to work on Sunday afternoons and night me and Mrs. Flipper would be up there in a heartbeat to visit you ! We are probably about 5 or 6 hours southeast of you in the Sierra mountains, but have a great time ! Hope to see you again sometime ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Sounds great, wish I could come :smile:

  • Hortensia

    I wish I could see all of you! Flipper, you and CoCo are just a 4 or 5 hour drive from me, I think. Also, there are one or two folks from Redding that are on here now and then, but I haven't met them. Finally Awake, not sure where you are -- but would like to meet you, too, someday

    One of these days . . .

  • LisaRose

    Wish I could make it, I would love to meet you, sounds like a fun party.

    We survived the rain, two inches in my town in the last 24 hours, but no flooding and no power outages here, so it's all good, my husband got the day off due to the rain, so he's happy. The cat has cabin fever, she doesn't like being cooped up in the house, so she has been attacking our feet from under the bed and stealing things out of boredom.

  • Hortensia

    LisaRose, don't you love rain? We had 4.5 inches in one day last week, it was awesome. Fortunately all our rivers and lakes were low, so the runoff from the heavy rain didn't cause much flooding.

    Had the party today. It was nice. 24 neighbors invited, 17 attended. Two were sick and couldn't attend and the others were out of town for the weekend. I had a visit from an ex-JW in Redding, so it was nice meeting him. He seemed to have had a good time, chatted with everyone, seemed to fit right in. I heard part of his story, but was busy too, cooking, etc., so didn't get to talk as much as we might have liked.

    What I like about parties is seeing everyone enjoy the food, and watching them relax and start to chat and laugh. Everyone seemed to have a good time, lots of good conversations about all kinds of things, lots of laughing. I like watching the body language, how as they relax tension seems to leave, their bodies soften and they lean back in their chairs, the facial expression becomes more open and the eyes seem keener. All because the mashed potatoes were really good and they like the turkey and gravy.

  • LisaRose

    Sounds like a good time was had by all. We used to host our neighborhood Xmas party in Colorado, my husband would be Santa, it was a lot of fun, one of the things I miss, although I am happy to be back in California. One year we had 23 children.

    I love the rain, it always makes me feel better, I guess it's the negative ions.

  • millie210

    What I like about parties is seeing everyone enjoy the food, and watching them relax and start to chat and laugh. Everyone seemed to have a good time, lots of good conversations about all kinds of things, lots of laughing. I like watching the body language, how as they relax tension seems to leave, their bodies soften and they lean back in their chairs, the facial expression becomes more open and the eyes seem keener. All because the mashed potatoes were really good and they like the turkey and gravy.

    What a fantastic description. You make me wish I was there!

    It sounds like it was a great success.


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