I'm at a stage of my life and thinking where I struggle to define what exactly is that I believe in.
If I was to coin a term, I would resort to latin: 'maius aliquid', meaning "something greater". It's not the empirical knowledge that God(s) exists or doesn't exist; [theism / atheism]; it's not faith in the existence of that divinity without needing verifiable evidence; it's not a statement that God, if indeed exists, it's unknowable. [agnosticism]; it's not indifference towards the issue of God's existence [apatheism] either. It's a rejection of the most tradicional, religious views of the deity, but also a rejection of pure atheism. It is, more than anything, a feeling. A feeling that something greater than us probably exists, although we can't be certain of what/who it is, if it necessitates our worship or service, or even if it cares for us or is able and willing to do something for us.
The perception that most human beings, unlike any other species on earth, feels the impulse, even the need, to be a part of something greater than themselves, that, if known, would impart our lives with profound meaning and purpose, is the foundation of that undefined belief in the maius aliquid. I think that someday I'll further elaborate on this notion, but for now, it's what best applies to me. Perhaps it is a form of modern spiritual deism. I wonder if others here feel the same way.