I'm Shocked The Jehovah's Witnesses Even Allow Their Kids To Go To Mainstream Schools.

by Jehovanomics 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Last time I checked you needed an education to become a school teacher.

    Most JW's have been discouraged from such timewasting.

    What could they possibly teach their children other than Adam/Eve, Noah and Moses?


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    In bethel, I worked with a sister that attended a "school" organized by JWs for JW kids. She said it was a disaster that lasted only a couple of years or so, because everyone in the congregation argued about what should be taught.

    This became yet another point of cognative dissonance for me. How could this be "the truth" and an organization prepared to run the world... when they couldn't even organize a classroom for children?

  • InquiryMan

    Fortunaly homeschooling is more of a USA thing...

  • flipper

    JEHOVANOMICS- In the late 1990's my JW fanatic ex-wife DID pull our kids out of mainstream school and insisted they were home schooled in their early teenage years. I fought her tooth and nail about it- but she prevailed as at the time is was considerd " just a DFed person " in her eyes who didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. Nice being respected, isn't it ?

    Fortunately my son got out of the JW cult and went on to college with my blessing and support and has developed extraordinary social skills and critical thinking from school but my two daughters remained inside the JW's being home schooled and my younger daughter ( the aggressive one ) never learned social skills to hold down a job for any length of time as she'd get into altercations with fellow workers. And I'm SURE that being taken out of public school killed her developing proper social skills as it took her out of mainstream society so her JW mom in her words could " protect her from the world ". Instead what my ex-wife did was really create a somewhat sociopathic manipulative adult who creates tensions between people. That's what isolating a child from mainstream society can do. Socially they become dysfunctional at best, totally stifled at worst

  • blondie

    The WTS had Kingdom Schools during the period over the flag salute issue; once that was solved in the US Supreme Court thos schools were disbanded and jw teachers and students went back to the public school system.

  • awake!watcher

    Hi, I'm new here. Been lurking for over two years. I enjoy all the discussions. Wanted to weigh in on this topic.- We homeschool our kids. They are very well adapted, have great social skills with both other kids and adults, hold down part time jobs, and can see the conflicts in the org. I think it all depends on how the parents handle the schooling. There is no right or wrong answer for everyone. It depends on the family.

  • Quarterback

    Yes, I agree with Awake: Watcher. Funny how this week we had a fmily gathering and we were discussing this very subject. My children who went to school remarked how many Predators they were exposed to. However they managed to escape the worse. We had no knowledge until many years went by and Justice dealt with such individuals. There was bullying, drugs, sex abuse, firearms, and all of these I couldn't remember when I went thru the school system.

    If I was a parent today, Home Schooling would be a good alternative for a concerned parent.

    But, if chosen, you must be prepared to be disciplined, and organised

  • Vidiot

    My devout JW mom nevertheless felt that homeschooling JW kids is like keeping goldfish in a tank for twenty years, and then dumping them into an ocean full of sharks (she was a teacher, which admittedly may have had an influence on her opinion).

  • Mum

    awake!watcher, welcome to the forum!

    I agree with Separation of Powers. Little dubs have to learn to deal with "opposition" and "persecution" for not eating a cupcake!

  • Quarterback

    Yes, Vidiot, that may be so. but, at least the children/Goldfish are grown up, have acquired skills, and have power to deal with the Predators. It's all in the way that you train them.

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