Will the Societies tighten their grip even more with the power slipping?

by thedepressedsoul 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thedepressedsoul

    I think it’s pretty clear that the GB are power hungry. You cannot listen to the branch visit and not see clear as day that there are some of them that are loving the power. It showed the clearest with Anthony Morris.

    Now all these sex abuse scandals and news media are taking their power away. You can easily see that by the comments under the news article, the victims coming forward and even the talk of those in the congregation that are starting to doubt because of everything going on. I remember hearing, “We must be in the true organization since all these other religions have sex scandals and we have none!” That day is long but gone, I can’t remember the last time I heard that said.

    With most groups or individuals that are power hungry, when they feel they are losing the power they tend to tighten their grip even more to try to hold on to any ounce of power left. Do you think we’ll start to see a tighter grip applied in the organization and even more rigid rules and regulations? Was this year’s branch visit just the start of things to come?

    The harder you grip, the sooner you’ll eventually have to let go.

  • Vidiot

    Authoritarian regimes know no other way, nor do they care to.

    The fact that they're currently tightening so much so quickly is, in fact, good news.

    It means they're feeling the pinch themselves, and that they don't want any but the most hard-core loyalists (those who can handle the squeeze) to stay.

  • OneEyedJoe

    I agree, I think as they see that they have less and less control over the "world" and it's media, they'll instinctively tighten the grip on the thing they can control. To go along with Vidiot's comment - I love the saying (I'm paraphrasing) 'the harder you squeeze the more there is that slips through your fingers.' It's an apt observation that applies to essentially all authoritarian power systems. They'll have to be careful to avoid a runaway feedback loop - losing members causing tighter control that causes them to lose more members, etc until only a few remain. That is, if they actually do want to avoid such a scenario.

  • Quarterback

    I sense that the Leaders are Pwer hungry, with a small percentage hanging in hoping to make a change. However, I see that not all members are willing to give them the power. Some are just hanging in waiting, hoping for improvement. The ORG is a fragile entity.

  • Vidiot

    OneEyedJoe - "I love the saying (I'm paraphrasing) 'the harder you squeeze the more there is that slips through your fingers.'"

    Nothing wrong with paraphrasing Princess Leia.

    OneEyedJoe - "They'll have to be careful to avoid a runaway feedback loop..."

    Authoritarian leaders who are True Believers, however, rarely think that'll happen to them; it's an inherent weakness in the system.

    OneEyedJoe - "That is, if they actually do want to avoid such a scenario."

    Partly why I think they want to prune the R&F down to just a million or so hard-core loyalists.

    One some level, they do know that tightening up will cause finger-slippage (even if they won't admit it out loud), so they've subconsciously decided that's what they want.

    I also view it as a means of "managing" the decline in a way that will (hopefully, from their POV) enable the WTS to survive the transition, i.e., controlling the rate that the exodus actually occurs.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Nothing wrong with paraphrasing Princess Leia.

    Seriously? That can't possibly be where I picked that up lol. Wow.


    The GB members are all self-important uneducated nitwits. They are desperate to maintain absolute control over the rank and file members. But sooner or later this approach will backfire as more Witnesses get tired of the high-control rules. When the GB starts telling folks what type of SOCKS to wear, people are likely going to start waking up.

  • Vidiot
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    We're the star systems slipping through the GB's fingers!

  • Vidiot

    Much better link, Billy; thank you.

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