I think it might continue to exist for a while, but I think its numbers are going to start going down, and I think the quality (knowledge, intelligence, discernment, reasoning ability, social stability, character, etc.) of the individaul JWs will continue to go down.
The number of new baptisms per year continues to decrease, or hold steady at best. It is still enough to allow for a net gain of maybe 1% per year, but as the overall number of JWs increases, the number of JW deaths & DFings will also increase year over year.
If present trends continue it is inevitable that growth will level off. If the number of new baptisms per year starts any sort of real decline, the grand toal of JWs will decline as well.
It is pretty much inevitable, barring a 9/11 type of event that scares fence-sitters & inactives back in, that the JW numbers will begin to decline, and sooner rather than later.
Who would be attracted to and become a JW now???
Pretty much 3rd world and/or poverty-stricken JWs. Immigrants from the 3rd world living in 1st world countries. The materialistic side of the JW message ("get a mansion in the new world soon!") has great appeal to such an audience, as does the "instant community" that JWs offer to persons otherwise disenfrachised by society in general.
Growth among the 1st world non-immigrant population stopped a couple of decades ago, and I'm quite sure has already started its decline. That decline is masked, I believe, by still relatively robust growth from the groups noted above.