Get on the bus or get run over by the bus.
If you don't have an "electronic device" you aren't ready for service!
by LostGeneration 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hard to believe that they had a part on the assembly program a few years back about been overly occupied with electronic devices.
My father was not a jw and did not give us much money for mother was lucky to use the car. One subscription for the 3 of us; only one set of magazines for each of us; only one study book until we started studying it. We had to get rides to the assemblies/convenctions, bring our own food.
I cannot even imagine how we could have afforded an i-pad for each of us.
Yep...they just love to brag about their devices...
I really hate how techno the borg. is going. Let me rephrase that, I hate how the borg. is controling information through the new highly structured meetings and assignments, and how they are making everything centralized and the R and F believe that it is a blessing from JAh. HOW IS IT A BLESSING FROM JAH if you can't explain what you claim to believe, or accept as truth without pulling out your tablet and pulling up some website. No use of the bible, or something to (attempt to) rationalize it???? If you get a question, direct the householder to the website.....or better yet SHOW THEM the website...with the nice little short answer pre-prepared. Dumb down the R and F so that they can no longer be good students of the bible. (or atleast some version of that)
JW GoneBad
What joe134cd said.
I remember it was a convention part a few years back.
The speaker pulls out a blackberry or some other smart phone out of his coat pocket (claiming he borrowed it) and says we shouldn't waste our precious time and money on these devices. And now WT is telling us to pack them when out in field service.
St George of England
In my congregation, very few take books to the meetings anymore. They all use ipads or derivations.
I wonder what their neighbours think? Why don't they have the brief case anymore?
I will get one of those devices when the benefit of getting it exceeds the total cost. That cost includes the device itself, whatever monthly payments I need to make for data usage, maintaining the device, the time it takes to figure out how to transfer a video into the device so I am not constantly paying for data, and so on. To just spread the Kingdumb message, I would rather take the money I would have wasted on the device, buy silver, and watch the jokehovians panic when hyperinflation hits (probably while they are in Tel Aviv, waiting to return from their stupid mission, stranded because no one in America or Canada is running the airports there.
My brother-in-law and his family all have their own tablet! His kids are 5 and 2 and both have a tablet to use in and out of the meetings. We don't even own one in our household.
He does love to buy gadgets etc and the society has given him the green light to indulge his tech freak. But then I have to listen to his wife moaning how they don't have enough money for this or that (pretty much enssential items most of the time). Where is the logic??
St George has just brought to mind those bloody briefcases. Every Bro had one of some sort, and the aspiring MS who wanted to be an Elder, and all the Elders, had fookin great Pilot cases !
One guy revolted against all that, he came to the meetings with a pocket bible in one pocket, and his scrunched up W.T mag in his inside pocket, good for him, no pretense.
Do the aspiring ones, and the Elders, and especially C.O's have something special in the way of a device ? I remember C.O's and D.O's always had to have the specially bound bible that included a copy of Playboy, no sorry, I think it was the reasoning crap.
Elders and brown-noses copied them.
My minimalist friend above was not impressed.