Is it worth it trying to wake up a friend and my parents?

by Mr. Self-Destruct 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Oubliette

    "aren't you happy the organization is making progress?"

    Is ranting on about men in tight pants and wearing colored socks really progress?

    Is it "progress" to tell women not to wear "spanx" when they exercise? (Let's keep in mind that ol' ToMo the III clearly does NOT know what he is talking about).

    And what about this new JW.TV? For decades, yes for DECADES, the WTBTS has said that televangelists are part of Satan's System of Things.

    So now that THEY'VE joined the crowd, what are they? Is this progress?

    The lunatics are running the asylum.

    Let's review: It's a cult!


  • Oubliette
  • Oubliette

    Ummm, mom? Dad?

    Did you hit your head?

    Seriously, what's wrong with you guys?

  • kairos

    I'm trying to just ask them to prove they 100% have the truth using only the bible.

    Their being unable to do this could make them start to think.

  • zeb

    17 and filled with honour and strong ideals. tsk. In thee thus I see the shadow of what i once was. You have high regard for your parents but you havent a snow ball in hells chance of changing them As you grow older and fill with lifes experiences they too are getting older and (as jw) more and more entrenched in permitted thinking. Be nice have a live as best you can and plan your college time and a useful plan of education. Your best witness is a long one that is having a successful life and a self respect that goes with your own accomplishments and being a decent person.

    If the org is making progress ie changing its tune then that is an admittance that as "spirit directed" it has been w-r-o-n-g in the past and the spirit has been wrong and god has been wrong.

  • Crazyguy

    It may be a waste of time with your parents, plant seeds move on have a great life and when they pressure you just tell them you'll join when they can show u the scripture that says Jesus was going to pick a religious sect and then did and it was the jws.

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