So what is a class 5 project?
It is one done to the highest standards. Paint & drywall, fit and finish, of everything to perfection. Drywall done to the point, not even the smallest defect can be seen or felt! Painting, sanded to ultra smooth finish between coats.
No exspense will be spared! All the labor needed will be provided!
All workers are being told NOTHING BUT THE BEST WILL DO! And it will be done the way it's directed, if you can't or won't do it that way, DON'T come!
WHY you ask?
These are to be the last Earthly home's of Christ brothers, and they deserve nothing but the BEST!
This was said at the volunteer meeting, and interviews, conducted, in N TX, and Oklahoma, in the past two weekends!
Now, what was that scripture, about the son of god not having a place to rest his head?