So romantic - Guys, if you really liked a girl, for how long would you chase her?

by fulltimestudent 15 Replies latest social current

  • fulltimestudent

    A segment from (in English) If You Are the One? One of China's most popular TV shows, it can have up to 50 million viewers.

    Its Chrissie time, so we can be sentimental (smile).

  • fulltimestudent

    Sorry! The sub-titles have disappeared, and I don't know how to get them back.

    Wait, switch through to Youtube and the subs are there!!

  • prologos

    have the chinese heard about the mistletoe? chase her until the catch under the mistletoe.

  • Splash

    fulltimestudent if you really liked a girl, for how long would you chase her?

    Until she ran out of breath, then SHE'S MINE!!!!!


  • KateWild

    It's all in Chinese. Kate xx

  • Heartofaboy

    I wouldn't.

  • bigmac

    i'd chase her all around the bed.

    then collapse exhausted

  • flipper

    When I used to date - before marriage- I didn't like playing hard to get and I didn't enjoy dating hard to get types. Don't like a carrot dangled in front of your nose for months before a relationship takes off. However like dating Mrs. Flipper we hit it off really well and enjoyed each others company so much that within 8 months we were engaged and married. In your middle aged years- when you know what you want then you know what you want. No game playing. That was us in a nutshell. Not into mind games. Been together almost 9 years now so it's all good. We are both happy

  • BetterGuyNow

    I agree with flipper. Playing hard to get is ridiculous. You don't get many chances to find the right person you can be happy with. It's hard enough as it is. If you are mature enough to even be in a relationship, you should already know yourself and what you want. If the person you are interested in doesn't appreciate that, it's time to find someone who does. Life is too short to dote on people that don't respond.

    I chased my first wife, an upstanding Witness girl with an elder for a father. I learned later he was instrumental in getting her to "court" me as I was such a good prospect. Had I known this, I would have been grateful at the time. But what it produced was a woman who had no respect for me (which was a serious issue for a guy trying to figure out how to be a Witness husband) and spent more time shopping than with me. I couldn't leave, of course, as that was wrong in "the truth." I spent my entire marriage from '91 - '06 trying to make this girl like me.

    My wife now... so different. We met for coffee and were hooked. I never even had to try. We were already a couple. No games. We've been together 8 years, and just celebrated our 6th anniversary last month.

    There is no replacing mutual respect, attraction, and interest. Marriage is hard enough without you both playing the same game by the same rules for the same goal.

  • KateWild

    flipper and BetterGuyNow, Both of you well said. I am dating now and if I like a guy I don't play hard to get I am just genuine and open, but if I don't like a guy I tell them I am not interested or they're not my type. Sometimes this doesn't work and you have to resort to bloking numbers because some guys just like a chase and a challenge I suppose.

    Kate xx

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