I think most exjws are frugal when it comes to Xmas. What is your budget for gift giving?🎅🎅
What Will U Spend For XMas This Year?
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
for the first time in my life--i'm buying my d/f son a xmas present. hes 38---and i havent a tit's clue what to get him.
We will spend too much, that's for sure. I've already spent a lot on Booze, just hope it lasts till Chrissie !
Prezzies are a problem, what to buy for people who you don't know that well, their likes and dislikes. Still, for the ladies we can always buy them an Eve was it called ? the thing with wings that gives 'em a buzz, on the other thread.
Iown Mylife
Last year we got in on the wrapping paper sales after Christmas so this year supplies are ready. Most gifts here have been ordered online, such as maple sugar candy and books, a game and a calendar. A few things purchased at Costco. With the tree, gifts, postage for cards, a couple cash gifts, around $500.
In total over 1000 so far.
I moved into a new home this year away from the 'matrimonial' house so had to spend a small fortune getting everything, literally everything new. Except for my Christmas decorations and clothes! That said I've spent about £1000 this year on pressies. I'm the only one getting my kids presents and having one or two under the tree for them wouldn't sit right with me, they have to have a few each!
last night I bought two gift sets of high end perfumes that set me back almost $300! Between Christmas and my daughters birthday this coming week...🎁🎁🎁
Eau, perfume!
Perfumes are ridiculously overpriced. Thank god for the gift sets!
Not much we just gift each other with things we would have purchased anyway, slippers, new shirts/pants, nightgown, t-shirts. We are getting a new tablet/laptop but that is money we saved from our allowance. We aren't jewelry people. We are getting some fine extra dark chocolate truffles made locally. We get each other one fun thing under $30. My family are jws and his are not but are shunning us too. It's nice to spread it out over the year. I hate the crowds in the stores and buying online is difficult if a color or size is involved.