DEMONS: the torment I suffered

by Terry 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    I had a similar experience. I was pretty young, I'd say maybe 8 years old. I was reading a library book called The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.  At that time I'd check the max # of books out of the school library at any given time w/o parental knowledge. They couldn't keep track of the books anyway because I just inhaled them. Anyway...

    My habit was to read in bed before falling asleep. My bedtime was early. I started to hear loud breathing that wasn't my own. It kept happening night after night. I got scared and mentioned it to my jw mother who said it was demons because the book was about a witch. I had to stop reading it right away.

    I can't be sure what caused that noise, but I suspect it was my dad snoring on the floor below. There was a heat vent directly above where he was and another right by me, and I could clearly hear noises from that room.

  • truthseeker100

    I was terrified as young boy too by the witnesses's stories of demons the things they could do to you. Over hearing the conversations of seemingly intelligent people tell horrifying supernatural stories to each other and seeing everyone nodding in agreement can be terrifying to a young child. 

    It was about grade 5 that I read a book at the school library about Isaac Newton's laws and I asked a teacher if theses laws had ever been dis proven she said no. It was about that age when I started to feel these stories that I was hearing were all a bunch of bunk and the adults in my life were getting it wrong. At least after that I could sleep better at night LOL. I didn't have to worry anymore about the demons grabbing the steering wheel of our car and crashing it. In retrospect the biggest danger in those days was the lack of seat belts LOL.

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