I think this sucker could start reversing membership within a few months.
When will the JW's start reversing?
by runForever 24 Replies latest jw friends
It's hard to know. The last time numbers reversed was in 1978 and 1979 due to the 1975 debacle.
1) They lie about their numbers
2) They control the numbers
3) Any downward trend is usually only observed in your individual congregation and maybe your circiut. If you say numbers are going down based on one congregation, they will say it is the exception.
It would be nice, but while ever there exists weak minded, easily led people who fall victim to love bombing, numbers will always rise...
why didn't Catholics implode from pedophilia? Why didn't the Adventist fade after the great disappoinent? Why haven't the Mormons disappeared with their history? Why are JWs still around with all of their failed and revised predictions? Two reasons. Tax free money and people want to be preached to. People don't need results, just the idea is good enough. JWs like all the rest are going to be around longer than any of us. I liken people thinking the jw implosion as imminent, no different than JWs thinking the end is right around the corner.
When I first saw the title of this thread I thought it was referring to teachings....
they reverse them all the time!
Then I read the OP and realized it had to do with numbers!
Sad to say, I think sloppyjoe is right.
There are a myriad of factors that could cause one to leave, so it's difficult to predict. 1975 was a date-setting debacle, and very obvious to some. The WTBTS has stopped setting dates, so it's going to take a little more for a JW to snap out of the spell.
Now the passage of time and personal experiences seem to wake many up. If the Pedo cases become common knowledge and the GB are shown to be complicit, more JWs may leave. It's hard to say for sure.
There is an answer to the other religions have survived argument.
Other religions don't rely so much on preaching to gain numbers. There is a superchurning inside the JW's. More and more hours are needed to gain members with US and UK numbers possibly already falling.
Second they have and do heavily rely on US and UK rich countries for the main flow of money. I just don't see too many ways out for them at this point. Are they going to start doing daycare and celebrating Christmas? If you look at pew survey it says most of these religions are surviving or
growing because they are dramatically adapting. I just don't see too much room for JW's to adapt.
The idea of a personal god is an anthema to the fear o death. JW's believe they are the only ones who will live on after death. As long as you have people believing that kind of horseshit, you will have bully religions like he JW's. Period. So even though you have reversals, new gullibles will continue to fall prey to its trap. Unless the media, collaboratively, choose to expose this cult.
I think eventually numbers even in third world countries will stop growing, especially as even the poorest of countries are able to gain access to information via the internet.
Within the next 75-100 years, humans will merge with Artificial intelligence and will become largely post-biological beings. Human intelligence will be far surpassed by super-intelligent computers. Death willl largely become a relic of the past. Once intelligence is highly increased and lives are no longer subject to biological death, the need for religious superstition will fade. The trajectory for this happening is already well underway. Human intelligence is already merging with technological intelligence. There's no stopping it.