Teaching Anthony Morris III names of common things.

by LogCon 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LogCon

    "...what it is is this Spanx, this skin-tight stuff they wear. Now, are you sisters wearing this in the ministry? No. I can't say that I've ever seen that. But when they exercise, they leave their home and they're jogging in this stuff?

    Look at the verse. Is that appropriate to wear skin-tight Spanx or whatever they call them? It's not modest and it's certainly not sound of mind. It's really inappropriate. There's nothing else to say about it. Now you want to be in your home or your room and wear that stuff, that's your business. But don't go out in public like that and say you worship the True God. 'I'm just trying to stay in shape'. (laughter) Inappropriate."

    Anthony. Anthony. Listen for a moment. It is not called Spanx or whatever. It is called Spandex. SPANDEX. SPANDEX !!!

    This is a book, book. Can you say that after me? BOOK.

    This is a pencil. Pencil. Can you say PENCIL, Anthony?

    This is an apple. Apple. Can you say APPLE, Anthony?

    Giving a talk thousands upon thousands of people will hear, and that is one of his well prepared comments. A clear indication of how much little respect he has for the intelligence of the audience.


  • hoser

    i think it was lett who compared the express will of god with expresso coffee.

    These guys are clueless.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    I think the Spanx/Spandex mixup was intended to show how above such mundane nonsense, he is. He leaves that sort of thing to the "little people".

    What annoyed me more than the Spanx comment, was the part where he allegedly asked sisters what they thought of Brothers in "tight pants" and allegedly they all said that they didn't. (as if they'd answer a question like that honestly to a Brother let alone a Governing Body Member.)

  • Phizzy

    I think it was a Freudian slip, ToMo3 is into Spanking, dirty devil.

  • AnnOMaly

    AMIII is one of the "thinkingest people on the planet," so he's entitled to re-name Spandex as Spanx.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Saying "Spanx" was a deliberate slip. Spanx is a name brand for tight undergarments. If people looked it up, they were supposed to think that Spanx are for women to wear UNDER their proper attire. Yet he also made it clear that even when exercising, it was wrong to wear tight pants (spandex) in public.

    I think Tony is stuck on the idea that women should exercise only at home (near that kitchen where their family meal is being prepared) or only while walking in field recruiting.

    As for men, I think Tony just doesn't want their tight pants to stumble him.

  • BetterGuyNow

    Thank goodness I'm out. It would be a bummer to get DFed for wearing my cycling shorts while I'm riding my bike.

    I hope he decides to focus on bathingwear next. "And sisters, sisters? These beach suits or whatever they call them, that you wear to the beach? Disgusting. I've asked the brothers. They don't like it. When you wear your suit to the beach, it should be a suit, brothers. And sisters? Why would you not be wearing a skirt, or better yet, a dress? Remember who you represent."

  • Terry
  • compound complex
    compound complex

    There was a WT publications photo in the recent past of JWs frolicking at the beach. I recall that everyone was wearing pants (trousers) and shirts. No tanktops, no shorts. They must have been heeding the warning signs on Australian beaches . . .

    Or have been extremely sensitive and obedient to GB directives.

  • millie210

    When you are over privileged you dont have to pronounce things correctly.

    People just automatically adore every little thing you try to say.

    Just ask any two year old......

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