Whose KH has the Blue Square jw.org on it?

by blondie 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • SnakesInTheTower

    Funny, I seem to remember the ass hall in st louis was told they could NOT use the open bible logo from the "Christian Congregation" on their sign, and all congos told not to use it.

    Funny, how when its the GBs idea, everyone does it, but dont let it be a LOCAL idea.....noooo.... that would be running ahead of Jehobers cart, I mean chariot...

    Nah, I meant cart.

    F**king hypocritical cult.


  • stuckinarut2

    I still think that it is funny!

    Many months ago I started a thread about this new directive...Many on here were skeptical!


    Im still waiting on a few people to "eat their hats".... (I'm looking at you steve2 hehe..)


  • Bangalore

    I guess it is like their version of the Cross.


  • ozbrad

    The Lismore/Goonellabah NSW Australia had a huge gap in the middle of theirs till they put the sticker on.

    Photoshopped by me.

  • bigmac

    so--who makes these signs--and--how much do they cost ?

  • talesin

    I can make one of these signs - how much do you want to pay?

  • doofdaddy

    Nice work Ozbrad and only a few kilometres from my area.

  • stuckinarut2

    Heya ozbad and doofdaddy! More Aussies here on line?!


  • Awake at last
    Awake at last

    On the Central Coast NSW Australia, just north of Sydney, the Wamberal/Terrigal hall has 2 JW.org signs and Gosford/Tuggerah has 1 sign.

    Wyong/Wadalba still does not have a sign. I hope they never get one.

    Awake at last

    Central Coast NSW


  • Phizzy

    I went past my old K.H a couple of weeks ago, no Sign up as yet, but two Congo's at least use it, so they probably will have to have countless Meetings about the positioning of it. I have not been by another K.H recently, so have never seen one in real life.

    I think it will make most K.H's look like cheap business buildings, few passers-by who do not know what it is will think it is supposed to be a place of worship.

    Of course, that worship is of the GB and the Org.

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