That's a gorgeous display! Congrats to your husband!
Want to hear something funny ?
by troubled mind 32 Replies latest jw friends
Love it!
under the radar
Outstanding display! Congrats to the both of you. You're free of the Borg and its mind-control, and best of all, you have each other!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all here on JWN.
nancy drew
I see the lights I see the party lights
red and blue and green everybody in the crowd is there
but you won't let me make the scene
nice christmas show
Does anyone remember that song it just popped into my mind
It looks fantastic! Great job! Very nice to get the city recognition that you did. This is all innocent fun celebrating life and making memories while you are alive. It's very sad to see the evil pagan no-fun spin the Watchtower puts on life. Normal peopel really enjoy seeing the lights during this time of year.
Hey, I just don't like going up ladders.
Simon, check last week's Shark Tank.
Barbara's mother's 2-nail trick.
troubled mind
Prologos > the candycane pinwheel on the house is really actually pretty cool .....
We are re-doing our childhoods as fifty yr olds ...never to late to make up for lost memories . Our kids are grown and gone so this is for neighbor kids and well US ! The roof was a bit harder this year ,but one of our sons came home and helped . I will go out and make a video and try to post it later !
troubled mind
Sorry the sound is not very good ....
You're husband's a keeper. Now, are you going to wear one of those Mrs. Claus costumes for him . . . . .
troubled mind
We suffered an attack from squirrels last night ! They chewed through wires on one of the side bushes and the tree net lights . It rained on top of that and tripped the circuit box off . But he got it fixed enough for the light show tonight . Now we need to find something to repel the varments from chewing on the wires . I told him to mix some cayanne pepper up with salad oil and spritz that on the wires . Any other ideas ?
skeeter - I will have to se what I can do