Court Bars Kids From Jehovah's Witness Activities

by Bangalore 21 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • goingthruthemotions

    marked yahoooooooooooo


  • skeeter1

    Two men in my family were wanted by the high school coach for both baseball and football. Not allowed. Competition was evil.

    One girl was elibible for National Honor Society. Not allowed. Nationalistic was evil.

    One girl is a gifted singer, smacking good like Carrie Underwood. Singing & music lessons not allowed, nor was singing at any event. Too much emphasis on worldly places whre she'd sing.

    One was a gifted muscician. Not allowed to join marching band or regular band. Have to play Christmas/Holiday songs and support a competition event and a militaristic past to marching band.

    One was a gifted artist. Quit upon rejoining the Jehober's Witnesses. Took too much time away from door-to-door service.

    One was a gifted hockey goalie. Quit upon joining the Jehober's. Took too much time & competition.

    "Jehovah Witnesses are to live in this world, but not be a part of it." How many times did we hear this?


    Now, the ones above who are no longer JWs, are all actively participating in these activities, as adults. They are avid, becuase they are making up for lost time. The ones who are still JWs, are not happy.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    On various fronts there has been much discussion on the children of Jehovah's Witnesses being pushed into premature baptism. The statement that The Society prepared for The European Commission on Human Rights, however, is quite revealing. Aware of the WT's differing stance on issues - from Malawi to Mexico, from Europe to the USA - you don't require a full-blown explanation as to the whys and wherefores. Please note the following statement from the WT, particularly the emphasized text:

    "As regards the ALLEGED involvement of children, the applicant association [WTS] submits that children CANNOT BECOME MEMBERS of the association but only participate [. . .]

  • berrygerry

    There are many such cases in Canada.

    The leading one was a Supreme Court case - Young v. Young

    Hewitt v. Hewitt is a good read - DF'd father - much of the '81 WT is discussed.

  • zeb

    One can guarentee the statements by the kids will be 'party line'. It would appear the mother has less regard for the kids welfare than having them as her personal safety screen thereby getting the approval of fellow jw and at the same time being able to piss her ex off by doing what she is doing.

    "If the kids get their home work done" they can go witnessing. Like that is a reward?

    Where were the elders in the hearings? Perhaps they attended or perhaps they didnt. I was a part of a "family court" hearing and there was not an elder to be seen.

    New Zealand is one of the sweetest countrys on earth so i dread to think how bad the situation was (court room dramatics ?) for the matter to be deal t with as it was. The Judge is to be heartily congratulated. Will the mother complie? Because if she does not she is guilty of contempt of court and can face immediate arrest. Tragically for the kids involved she will then pull on her martyrs robes and probably end up in hospital.

    All very messy.

  • jwleaks
  • GrreatTeacher

    The judge found there were " further episodes of religious activities." LOL. Makes it sound like a chronic illness.

  • stuckinarut2

    What a great ruling!

  • Vidiot

    Almost seems like the more devout and loyal rank-and-file JWs try to appear, the more they just end up looking like assholes to the rest of the world.

  • karter

    I'm going to play the "Devils advocate" here".

    This will feed the JW's persecution complex and i'm sure the WTS and their platoon of lawyers will be on to this one.

    The point is why are they excluded from JW meeting? If they were Catholic or any other religon would they be excluded from attending that church and why?

    We all know what a messed up mind controling cult it is but most religons are.

    Saddly (I'm from NZ) i think this will be overturned and as i said the WTS will have their lawyers on to this streight away as they don't want this to be a precedence.

    To go to the high court in NZ is expensive and the WTS may drag it out and run the father out of money.


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