With all the terrible things happening on this earth, I bet most Witnesses feel that Jehovah God has to step in.
If I Were Still A JW I Would Think We Had To Be Living At The Time Of The End!
by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends
Unfortunately, the WT shell game has been making victims of JWs for over 100 years now. Some things never change:
"Now, in view of recent labor troubles and threatened anarchy, our readers are writing to know if there may not be a mistake in the 1914 date. They do not see how present conditions can hold out so long under the strain. We see no reason for changing the figures - nor could we change them if we would. They are, we believe, God's dates, not ours. But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble." Zion's Watch Tower 1894 Jul 15 p.226
The first and second century Christians were also eagerly awaiting the end and this eventually faded for most after the Roman Catholic Church became the big daddy of anything Christian. After the Protestants broke away in the 1500's the idea of a second coming began to be spoken about again, but it really took off after William Miller prdicted the return in 1843 or 1844.
Since then scores of people have popped up thinking he had teh right idea but the wrong math and the madness continues into the 21st century. Millions of folks still believe ol Jovy will step in in their lifetime and furture explanantions from apologists will be brought forth to explaim while he still has not stepped in.
I once compiled a chart of the latest STATISTICS of incidents of Earthquakes, crimes, etc.
Such phenomena are used by End Times
promoters to excite fear and promote their agenda.
I wanted to create a QUIZ.
What does a person think compared with reality?
For example, if you ask a Jehovah's Witness to answer a question about the rate of kidnapping or homicides in America over the last decade
you can write down their guesstimate and compare it with the latest statistics.
In the first three tests, my JW sampling was off the charts (over a thousand per cent) wrong.
Bloody hell!
I wasn't surprised and yet I continue to be.
A person living today receives information about the world at large on a daily basis.
Certain kinds of filtering OMIT details and include others.
JW's are likely too busy and too biased to go beyond the indoctrination they receive.
News programs use the standard: IF IT BLEEDS, IT LEADS.
Good people, kind deeds, good news is NOT reported commensurably.
The Watchtower and the Awake are like the dirty oil filter on a car. When a JW handles them, reads them, absorbs the
gunk--their minds grow dark, oily and repugnant.
THE SIGNS of the time of the end are COMMONPLACE events all through history.
None can stand out--if you have a clear view of everything going on over the long stretch of time.
WWI compared to the 30 Years War is quite a different proposition from how Jehovah's Witnesses interpret
In JW-land, there is no Good, Better, Best in our world; only WORST.
When I was growing up black people sat in the back of the bus, women couldn't get credit in their name, everybody
smoked in restaurants, elevators and movie theaters.
THING HAVE IMPROVED on a vast scale.
If you refuse to see that improvement it is confirmation bias installed by a sick ideology.
Totally agree Terry. I have retired now, and was in fact able to retire six years early because of so many inprovements in my life. I marvel every day about how lucky I am to be living at this time. In my view the BEST time in human history.
most Christians believe it is the time of the end. you don't have to be a jdub
The 1914 date foundation was a major mistake because of what Jesus said at Matthew 24:36, Matthew 24:42 and Acts 1:7.
The Watch Tower should have never delved into the establishment of dates. This shows that it has not listened to Christ as The Most High commanded. (Luke 9:35)
An entire system of worship has been built upon the false foundation of 1914.
I am an ex-JW of more than 30 years (disassociated) and I say to all: Which of the two slaves within Jesus' household at Matthew 24:45-51 were concerned about dates? The evil slave or the faithful slave?
The evil slave began to beat the faith slaves because he felt his master was "delaying." Thus, he must have been EXPECTING his arrival at a certain time.
The WT organization was expecting Christs arrival in kingdom power in 1914. It published this date years before its arrival.
As for the faithful slaves, they were "being watchful" as they knew what their Master told them: "Keep on the watch, therefore, because YOU do not know on what day YOUR Lord is coming."
This single statement by Jesus squashes the 1914 date. It is false and a concotion of arrogant men.
The impact is staggering! It means that we are not in the last days; that Christ has not been given his kingdom over the earth yet; that Satan has full access into the heavenly realm; and that the beast, it's image, the false prophet, the scarlet-colored wild beast, the 144000, 666, etc have not arrived or occurred yet and are distant future. (Nothing in the Revelation by Jesus Christ that God Gave him has had a start of fulfillment).
Only if men and women would listen to the one God told us to listen to ...
Christians are problematic for me. They are like puppies on the one hand but like special needs, brain-injured chimps
on the other hand. Clueless people are not endearing for long--especially when sanctimony enters the picture.
Purposely ignorant folk who want to be high and mighty really start to get under my skin--after all, I WAS ONE.
Intellectual honesty is the willingness to be wrong when facts and evidence go against your most treasured belief.
How many Christians are willing?
No one would care because it doesnt sell. Yet : 10 PEOPLE DIE IN A SUICIDE BOMBING!! sells. 10 vs 8 Billion, in numbers good news wins every time.
The WT organization was expecting Christs arrival in kingdom power in 1914. It published this date years before its arrival.
Actually, since 1874.
Ironically, CT Russell didn't accept the 1874 date as Jesus' return until 1876. Two years late to the game for god's alleged 'faithful slave' and it's been downhill ever since.
When it all went south, 1874 was changed to 1914.
Wash, spin, rinse, repeat.
The 1914 date foundation was a major mistake because of what Jesus said at Matthew 24:36, Matthew 24:42 and Acts 1:7.
Or maybe the real mistake is believing in the fanciful musings of ancient goatherders.