Without You

by compound complex 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I dreamed, once again, you were at my side talking, laughing, loving. The sun warmed my face and you my heart as we lived a life forever.

    I awoke with a start that left behind the land
    of our past, viewing my today for the misery
    and sadness that, truly, it is and ever shall be.

    Is it better to live in the land of dreams with the
    one I love or to exist alone and awake, recalling
    the dark intent that poisoned your heart?

  • Mum


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Nice to see you again, Mum!

  • losingit

    A poem that describes how i sometimes feel about my ex

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Funny you should say that, losingit! Hope you're doing all right now.

    I am!


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    Taking that poem into "the meaning of life" or "truth" whatever that may be is a type of misery and sadness but one that opens the eyes to interesting possibilities. It is true that we may not find the answers to our questions but by being available and curious who knows what may be revealed. A good fantasy is like a sipping a glass of wine on the beach, it has it's value but then we have to move on and stare into the abyss of our universal ignorance of what are we doing here and keep looking because maybe we can learn "something" with the time we have left.

    I guess I'm in one of those moods

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Yes, Nancy, in one of those moods.

    You are, on the one hand, light and breezy -- hilarious -- in your little poems; on the other hand, like now, you are profound, offering good, useful advice.

    I like your point of enjoying the moment of fantasy -- like sipping a glass of wine on the beach -- but then our having to move on back into the real. A friend, with whom I haven't spoken in 50 years, reappeared, and she is like you in her sensible but sensitive approach to life and the people who inhabit it.

    Blessings and peace, Nancy dear.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I am absorbed in the moment, all alone in this merciless world.

    But I think of sweeter days, days when you, my faithful loving companion were at my side.

    You were ever at the ready to meet my pressing needs: those of heart, body, soul.

    Who took you from me?

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    She sipped another glass of wine

    She stole it from another time

    When she was younger and naive

    With all those dreams she did believe

    that she would someday know for sure

    The moon was made of green manure

    did you see that one coming my brain twisted again

  • Magnum

    I think it's "better to live in the land of dreams." Not much of my time is spent in the present "land." I spend a lot of time in a land of nostalgia and good memories. I also spend a lot of time searching for a land that I will probably never find.

    recalling the dark intent that poisoned your heart


    Are you addressing "the one I love"? Was this one's heart poisoned?

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