If you talk about the elders during the airing of grievances portion they could get you for apostacy. And the metal pole has some sort of pagan origin, you can be sure.
Could a JW be DF for celebrating Festivus?
by Stealth 18 Replies latest jw friends
Barrold Bonds
wait do people actually unironically celebrate Festivus?
if so count me in. I want to air some grievances.
Don't forget about the feats of strength.
Don't forget about the feats of strength.
Let's rumble.
Island Man
You know, the word Festivus does seem to have a Latin ring to it ... perhaps pointing to it's pagan Roman origins?
A former close JW friend of mine celebrated "Family Day" every year on December 26th with his immediate JW family, decorations, wrapped presents (no festivus pole or christmas tree) ... his father who observed this family tradition with him was the P.O.
I think it may be o.K to have Fractions of Christmas, just not all on one day ?
I think it may be o.K to have Fractions of Christmas, just not all on one day ?
You just got my vote for the best post of the day.
The Elders book says that if they see a christmas tree in your window, you have DAed yourself, and an appropriate announcement made.
Whatever happened to Paul's words "Let no man judge you with regard to a festival or a new moon.... the one who celebrates celebrates it to the Lord."
There are 12 new moons in a year - more than enough to go around!!