What would you recommend for an unbaptized publisher that has learned TTATT and is inactive? Do you think it is best for someone to just continue to be inactive and live & let live? Or take time and write a letter wishing to no longer be an unbaptized publisher?
Unbaptized Publisher
by naazira 12 Replies latest jw friends
Just stop going. Thats what I did. Not worth getting them involved, imo.
@mikey Did anyone ever reach out to you? Or does anyone still reach out to you? I asked because my friend he stopped attending due to depression and the elders told him to keep attending meetings and pray to jehova. He stopped attending, inactive for a year, and no one has even contacted the poor guy. He thinks they're ignoring him so that he will come back into the fold. Is this possible?
finally awake
There's a good chance that no one will ever bother contacting you, or your friend, because it's "out of sight, out of mind" for the dubs. But sometimes the CO will put pressure on the local elders to reach out to inactive people. The best solution is to just ignore any such attempts to contact you and move on with your life
If you're not baptized, just move on.
Unless, you want to bring someone out with you.
I can remember very clearly, an unbaptized publisher who wrote a letter had her name announced from the platform that she was no longer associated with Jerhovah's Witnesses. She has been shunned ever since, and that was back in 1996. She is now 31 years old with two children and is still avoided by any witness that knew her. If she had just faded away without writing that letter, I believe that some JWs would still speak to her as if nothing happened. To this day she has never had a shepharding call.
I few times elders would knock on my door or call me. But, nothing big. All my family are JWs so i think they would send an elder to check in on me every so often. Might not be the case with your buddy.
Now, it's a little different. I am married to baptized sister, so elders have been coming around more often to "visit".
Elders don't really care for the most part. Yeah, a few do, so don’t get me wrong. Some are great people that only want the best for their "flock".
The majority of ones i have known have usually been indifferent about personal feelings or issues. Unless they think you are screwing around or smoking dope, they probably don’t care. They have their own issues.
Your friend should get professional help. Going back to meetings and counting on the BOE to provide any encouragement will only increase his depression.
Thats my opinion. Hope he gets the help he needs.
Old Goat
walk away quietly. most elders wont notice because they do not care about you or yours. they care about themselves.
I am going to text him the link to this post. @Mikey I agree the elders have their own issues to handle. I also think it is important for no one to rely on the body of elders for encouragement! And That is interesting @Atlantis and the dubs always made it seem like shunning was reserved for baptized members.
Walk away and pretend that it never happened!