Its really quite amazing (but not surprising) how early in the game (home bible study level) shame and guilt are employed in "thought reform."
The elder starts out by saying he's not feeling the usual "connection" (or something to that effect) that he feels with other students. Is the problem his poor teaching or social skills? Nope! It's the study's fault.
From there we get into controlling information, and again he does this by using guilt and shame. It's like your taking to pharisees when jesus is standing next to you. The implication there is "you are a hideous person For doing this. Shame on you!"
The next step is these feelings of guilt and shame are internalized by the study, so the next time he goes to google "Jehovahs witness United nations" his Big Brother doesn't have to be there to stop him; he stops himself out of guilt and shame.
Personally, I feel this step -- instilling guilt feelings over "independent thinking" and researching outside information -- is the most insidious step of the thought reform regimen. If the target takes the bait here, it becomes infinitely more difficult to escape indoctrination.