March 2015 study article ‘Learn from the illustration of the talents’
Brothers and Sisters worldwide will be overjoyed to know that the Governing Body finally has the
Understanding the Illustration of the Talents
When the Master Rewards the Slaves.
When we were wrong: In 1919, Jesus rewarded his anointed slaves on earth by entrusting them with increased responsibility.
Now we are right: When Christ comes in the future, he will reward his faithful anointed slaves by raising them to heaven.
The Wicked and Sluggish Slave.
When we were wrong: The wicked and sluggish slave refers to anointed ones in the 1914 era who refused to share in the preaching work.
Now we are right: Jesus was not foretelling that a group of his anointed followers would make up a wicked slave class. Rather, he was warning his followers about what would happen if they thought and acted in a way that would cause him to view them as wicked and sluggish.