I hear many people on this forum say that kh's don't have windows. But I have never been to one that didn't have windows. Is this only in a certain area or something?
What's with this "no windows in kingdom halls" thing?
by Trapped in JW land 32 Replies latest jw friends
Is this only in a certain area? - I don't know. Where I used to live, the local congregation was given a new KH some years ago. This doesn't have any windows. Why this is the case, I also don't know for sure. The old KH did have a window smashed so this may be the reason why.
Of course, you also get talk from uber-zealous elders or from mentally-unstable pioneers that the reason KHs have no windows is for protection during the great trib when the world turns against God's people.
Perhaps they have only seen one KH, their own and that was designed with no windows, or maybe that area. I have been in many US states living and traveling, and some have windows and some don't.
Since the advent of AC in buildings:
1) possible now not to have windows and keep the building cool/warm.
2) Less expensive not to have windows
3) Better building security without windows.
There have been 2 KHs built recently with windows in my area.
Remember there are over 110,000 congregations and KHs all over the earth. Hard to stay no window rule with only having seen a few.
BTW there isn't a no-window rule
There are no windows where the rank and file are assembled for indoctrination.
The monotonous hum and drone of brainwashing is best accomplished free from the distracting sights and sounds of Satans world just outside these walls.
Laughing of children and the barking of their eager pets, squeaking bicycles of youths whisking through the fresh morning air all about town, chirps and trills of natures busy residents in the trees and grass, the hum and honking of people following their own dreams, the jet trails of those who travel at will through the clouds, the stacato of Sunday lawn mowers, the clinking of dishes from lazy luxurious family breakfasts, and the pat pat of tiny flipflops on beckoning sidewalks - these are but some the dangers.
Better the wearing of starched uniforms of conformity, to rustle through the collected pages of antiquities myths under the flourescent glow inside air conditioned tombs. The better to inculcate the fear and loathing of the ancients' dead dieties and to imaging their promised horrors still to come ..
Yes when it comes to brainwashing and indoctrination, it's easy to see that open windows could easily be the work of the devil - best not to take that risk.
I can tell you with certainty, the halls in Australia have windows!
trust me , I have spent many many wasted hours cleaning these windows!
In the Kingdom Hall I grew up going to, it originally had windows, and then some time in the 90's they did a "remodel" and removed the windows and covered them with stucco like the rest of the building. The reason they gave is that on a couple of occasions, local children had thown rocks through the windows. After that on the inside they just kept the curtains closed where the windows used to be. It made it feel rather depressing inside.
Because there had been reports that some people would not "pay attention to the important things" during the Sunday brainwash sessions. While they were looking out the window to pass the time by they were missing the spiritual smogresboard from the "faithful and discreet slave" (GB 3:28).
Good post, Ajax. Sort of nailed it.
I seem to recall the excuse was because of vanadalism and no need to have windows because it would affect the aircon!
finally awake
The congregation I used to attend built a new building in 2006. It has windows in the auditorium, and the lobby area has a large clear glass door with clear sidelights. The windows in the auditorium have window blinds installed, but you can still see out between the slats.