They probably left and I don't think its too hard to figure out why
Why Do Atheists Struggle So Much Against God Who Supposedly Doesn't Exist?
by Perry 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Left in a sense that they "know" what is "right and true" and no need for them to hold a debate and be in a forum with Atheist posters?
Or left in a sense that they know their teachings and faith are easily exposed by Atheist? So they leave since they know they can't win a debate with an Atheist.
Twitch will have to answer for himself, but my personal answer to your questions, JWIQ, would be that they left because they were tired of getting jumped on every time they expressed their faith in any general, non-argumentative manner. The only way to get a bigger rise out of the members here is to post as a Watchtower apologist.
The reason why people are so quick to claim Perry won't be back is because he does this all the time. Folks like Perry and QC only come here to post-and-run because they have given up on the faithless heathens here and are only looking to influence anyone who might be on the fence and can still be saved. In all fairness, it takes a while to have a debate, and not all of us have that time (I spend more time here than I should). And certain posters here have no objective other than to wear down the person they are debating.
I am an atheist, I have no struggle against my non belief in god.
In fact I have an inner contentment because I don't believe in god.
It gives me satisfaction and happiness that I brought up my family to think independently, none of my children (three) believe in god and have shown me they are thankfull that they did not have an upbringing which which included bowing the knee to an unseen supernatural deity.
Believers imo base their knowledge of theism on ancient hearsay and disputable uncorroborated myth from far less knowledgeable people.
They take their courage from the belief that faith is certain when in fact it can only be the exact opposite.
Their intellectual honesty they are prepared to cede because of fear.
Believers imo base their knowledge of theism on ancient hearsay and disputable uncorroborated myth from far less knowledgeable people.
But galaxie, how could two millenniums' worth of people who believed in Jesus, and several millenniums' worth of believers in God, be wrong? You can't argue with numbers like that.
Reason, evidence and rational discussion are enemies of faith.
When we were JWs we were convinced our crazy beliefs were solidly founded on evidence. We protected that certainty by avoiding actual evidence at all costs.
Christian faith is no different.
If religious people kept their beliefs out of government, I would have no problem with it. It is when someone tries to influence law to suit their own personal beliefs that I take exception.
It is not struggling against any gods, it is a struggle for freedom.
Hi your reasoning it is the length of 'time' which makes them correct!!? How absurd.
You must be knowledgeable enough to know of many beliefs which have been shown to be incorrect although they were believed for hundreds or thousands of yrs,
Passage of time brings new knowledge and evidence and understanding.
Best wishes.
Why are Fundamentalist Christians so against environmentalism and ways to protect the earth from industrial pollutants.
Reason, evidence and rational discussion are enemies of faith.
If you watched the video you would understand the such statements prove you know that God exists, deep down. Athiests have wrought the severest from of self-deception upon themselves by borrowing the reason and rationality that could only be possible but for God. Reason and rationality are not products of random chaos, chance, and mindless happenstance....but are consistent with intellect. The very thing the atheist denies.
Like a spoiled child the atheist uses God-given tools, which are consistent with intellect and not mindless chance to attack the very source of that reason and rationality. This is a very big problem for the atheist.... as well as the half dozen or so other impossibliites and self deceptions described in the video.