I just want the Governing Body to know how "happified" I am today. Keep sending those Branch letters to the congregation(s) about sending your donations in. Not only did you humiliate the Rank and File with your Tony Morris tight pants talk but now you are begging the same people you humiliated for money. You just can't make this stuff up. Are these guys stupid or clueless? Maybe both? These guys just don't get it.
They required people to travel farther for International Conventions this year. Not all of us have someone to pay all our bills...i.e. mortgage, health insurance, car payments, etc. They even have their meals prepared, cleaned up and the laundry done. Are they getting mani/pedis too? I have a job and I don't have a nice pair of cufflinks or a pinky ring. Keep it coming Governing Body...it's waking ALOT of people up (it woke me up)! How long do you think it will take for them to put a donate button on JW.org? I'm betting within the next 6 months to a year.
All of you lurkers...WAKE UP! Ask yourself...why is a one day assembly, on a paid off assembly hall, costing us thousands of dollars per day. Is tolit paper going up in price?
I once read, "the evil prosper, and the innocent pay the bills for them".