Anointing =
In ancient times, done with oil to one(s) who were to become king(s).
Jesus lifetime? Nope. Remember, they wanted to make HIM king.
Post-Jesus lifetime? Spirit-anointing done at Pentecost. NOT before Pentecost.
After Pentecost? = bupkis. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
Peter had visions, god-given perceptions and that's about it.
Take-away: Jesus wasn't speaking to his "anointed" disciples prior to his death, because they were regular everyday, run-of-the-mill Joes prior to Pentecost. But once Pentecost happened, it was NEVER repeated again. And it was a display for the pilgrims who came to Jerusalem from all corners of the known world for the festival, who spoke different tongues/languages and dialects, in order to show them (the pilgrims) that Christians had God's backing, and no longer the Jews.
1 Corinthians 13:8
8 Love [different translations: Charity; free forgiveness from god] never fails!
Everyone who prophesies
will stop,
and unknown languages
will no longer
be spoken.
All that we know
will be forgotten.
ALL english translations of that chapter and verse:
If the Gov Body claim to have "anointing" like the blessing during Pentecost, then lets hear em speak in ALL languages and dialects. THAT was its purpose at the time, not some weird, ass-backward interpretation for kinghood.