What are you going to do when the existence of god is disproved?
If such a thing was possible, I would be sadden but my life would continue as before. I've accepted life with out a God for all my adult life. I've never rejected the possibility, and have hoped for a loving creator.
Now to address what others have in this thread, the possibility of such a day coming in our life time. I've completed multiple college level science courses as they were needed for pre-requisite for nursing school. I'm now taking more advance science courses (Organic/Inorganic Chemistry, Cell biology ect...) for my future goal of pursuing a more advance medical degree. The increased knowledge I have received has not swayed me away from the belief of a possibility of a God. First, one must define what God is. Perhaps God could be simply viewed as a very advance alien life form.
I think the advance of science will only confirm the complexity argument by Creationist and other theists. I believe Dawkins wrote a reasonable argument to counter the complexity argument. I've watched several of his debates, and in one of them he stated "of course it makes sense that complex life comes from simple beginnings." Perhaps not an exact quote, but what I recall.
Creationists may argue that there really isn't such a thing as a simple beginning. The basic unit of life of all life is the "simple" cell. This basic unit of life is extraordinarily complex and entire college courses are devoted to its study. Even Prokaryotic cells are very complex, and there are bacteria that are able to communicate with each other, and this communication is considered more sophisticated than any communication systems man has made (Miller, 2001). Even the atoms that all matter is made up of is very complex. The sub atomic particles are perhaps more complex than the atom itself. Sub atomic particles behaving as a wave and particle and inhabiting different points in space simultaneously. None of this proves an existence of God, nor is it attempt on my part to support a belief in a God. I only making the argument that the possibility of more science may only confirm in many minds that life is too complex to happen without a designer.
Miller, M.B. & Bassler, B.L. (2001). Quorum Sensing in Bacteria. Annual Review of Microbiology 55: 165-199.