Great comment about Harold Camping! Didn't the WWCG leader write a massive and heartfelt apology? He must also be a true prophet!
Here is my current opinion of the subject. Based on what the Bible says ( Yeah, I know...) we are no longer under the Mosaic Law. Those scriptures about false prophets were for the Nation of Israel way back then. If you are a Christian, then you must realize that it's not your place to judge someone. Yes, you may make a " Judgment ", like deciding to walk away from a Church that teaches falsehood, or handles snakes. You may stop associating with someone who says they are a Christian, but lives an "immoral" life.
You have have judged that you need to walk away or ignore the ideas of someone like Harold Camping. That is a differen sort of judging than pointing a finger and condemning another human as a false prophet who deserves death according to the OT. It seems that this sort of judging is unique to extremist religions. Normal people don't despise "false prophets", they ignore them.
The WTBTS routinely judges other religions for false prophecy, yet they meet the criteria for a false prophet. They should be ignoring false prophets, instead they play the judge, jury, and future heavenly executioner. They do this because they NEED the polarizing effect, they NEED the members to be judgemental.
Why can't the WTBTS just stand on its own merits, without all the finger pointing?