@Newyork44m- good catch! Part of me said 'oh no way' when i read your post, but there it is, in black and white, in all its stupidity. More rhan just intolorant, how in the world does such a leap in 'logic' happen?? Because there are people with bad traits god is going to destroy 99.99% of the human population...? According to the bible thete is NO ONE who does not sin, that is, no one who does not have bad traits. Do they think this through before they print it? if thats the best "evidance" they have its nothing short of a miracle they get any converts.
Bible Teach book
by factfinder 24 Replies latest watchtower bible
Doug Mason
Exactly where has it been revised?
If we had a PDF of the old and new versions, we could use the same program that MeanMrMustard developed for analyzing the NWT revision, expect that it would be much more effective on the Bible Teach book than with the myriad tiny changes in the NWT. That being said, one of the main changes to the new Bible Teach book is apparently replacing the old NWT quotations with the rNWT text.
It makes sense that, since the OLD WDTBRT book was based on the OLD NWT, they would have to have a NEW, REVISED WDTBRT book to match the NEW and REVISED NWT.
After all, we just want to know What Does the Bible Really Teach as of right now, this moment ... that is to say until some "New Light" comes along and then we have an "adjustment" in "our understanding" of what the Bible really teaches, but that's ok, because then we will really, really know what the Bible teaches, at least for the moment.
Lather, rinse, repeat: It's a cult!
NewYork44M: I read the quote in the text posted. "There are people everywhere who have bad traits. This shows that god will soon act." Wow! This god of theirs is not very tolerant.
Actually, their God is very "tolerant." Look how long it's been that's he's done nothing!
In fact, his "tolerance" proves that the conclusion of the WT writers is wrong: There is no reason to conclude that "God will soon act" because there has always been "people everywhere who have bad traits" and God has apparently been fine with leaving it alone since the Great Deluge of Noah's day. Why would now be any different?
I know, don't tell me: "We're living in 'The Last Days'."
Only we're not! Indeed, the evidence--the real evidence, not the made-up cherry-picked stuff that's found in WTBTS literature--is that we are actually living in the safest period of human history.
Bad things clearly still happen, but the rates of all kinds of violence has been dropping dramatically for centuries and the trend is still down.
Steven Pinker: The Better Angels of our Nature