What case is this one about?
Looks like ABC New York got the okay.
by truthseekeriam 35 Replies latest jw friends
This is awesome news!
Oh I'm sorry, it's the Candace Conti case. I forgot to mention that in my post.
I hope they broadcast in high definition. I would hate for the occasion to be ruined by poor picture quality. Hehe
Excuse my ignorance of legal matters, but if someone knowledgeable would kindly confirm my take on this, I'd appreciate it. Does this
Good cause appearing, oral argument in this matter is continued to Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 9:00 a.m.
mean that as things stand, this oral agument will take place on Jan. 14th? Or does the "continued" mean it might be delayed?
Also is anyone here going to be present at this argument? There's nothing like a live report.
The appellate's (WTBTS's) attorney had previous commitments, so the oral arguments were re-scheduled from Dec. 10, 2014 to Jan. 14, 2015. If the appellate's attorney does not make another request to delay the oral arguments - which wouldn't suprise me -, I plan on attending.
I hope that more people will attend. If you want the address, directions, parking, and/or email information, please visit either APCM or http://www.courts.ca.gov/2969.htm#tab7341. The email information might be useful to determine availability of seating.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
I bet the society drops the appeal before cameras catch the hearing. It's too damaging to have avg witnesses hear the case. They will have to make a value judgement, based on odds of the appeal being successful, the potential drop in donations by witnesses after the news piece. This is all at a time when they are trying to bleed the flock dry for some more real estate investments.
Basically they are faced with accept the judgment and move on, or fight a losing battle in actual court and the court of public opinion under the camera lights.
That is an interesting thought. Will they drop the appeal and say that Satan won that battle, perhaps spinning it as some kind of feint by Jeehoober? Or, are they so deluded that they go for it, believing that Big J will save them??
Based on their legalistic ways of thinking, I bet they give up and move on. Then again, we may see a new GB letter stating the importance of rejecting satanic propaganda. That way they can lose big and most dubs won't notice, and they won't listen to anyone who tries to enlighten them in regards to the Pedo problems.
Now NBC wants to also record the oral argument.
12/22/2014Request filed to: media request to video/record oral argument from Center for Investigative Reporting/NBC Nightly News
This ain't looking good for watchtower. I bet they have got some deep regrets now that they hadn't taken Candice more seriously.