Can your pervert the meaning of scripture even more...

by never a jw 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    For a while I have shaken my head after learning how JW's interpret (rather corrupt the meaning of) Matthew 8:11. I thought it couldn't get any worse. I was wrong. The following is an extract of the March 2015 Watchtower in pg 27. The writer is explaining the meaning of Mathew 25:31-46. Enjoy!


    8 In the illustration of the sheep and the goats, Jesus does not directly mention the preaching work. Why, then, can it be said that it emphasizes the importance of preaching? 9 First, note that Jesus is teaching by means of an illustration. Obviously, he is not talking about separating literal sheep

    from literal goats. Likewise, he is not saying that each individual judged to be a sheep must literally feed, clothe, nurse or visit one of his brothers in prison. Rather, he is illustrating the attitude that the figurative sheep display toward his brothers. He describes the sheep as “righteous” because they recognize that Christ has a group of anointed brothers still on earth, and the sheep loyally support the anointed during these critical last days.—Matt. 10:40-42; 25:40, 46; 2 Tim. 3:1-5. Therefore, one of the primary ways that those judged to be sheep show kindness to Christ’s brothers is by supporting them [anointed brothers] in the preaching work.

  • prologos

    How about the LEAST of my brothers? is that not literal, but symbolic too? an attitude? like fawning, favouring the "glorious ones" the Coordinator, CO, GB member?

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    I neither know nor care what this or any other scripture says or means, but to the JW there is no God but Jehovah and His word is inspired and true. That is where the word ‘true’ has the meaning ‘what The Watchtower has most recently written’ and ‘inspired’ has the meaning ‘whatever suits the Faithful and Discreet Slave, which is the Governing Body’.

    Or, ‘the bible means what the Writing Department most recently said it means to meet the Governing Body’s current need’. Which makes 'Governing Body' a synonym for 'Jehovah', therefore what is in The Watchtower is His word and is true per se, including as it changes from time-to-time.

    Thus this scripture is correctly explained.

    In the end I think this leads to many (most?) XJWs just giving up caring what the bible says and being unable to abide the idea of a God: they heard Him speak at conventions and didn't like Him.

    JW logic. JW reality.

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes indeed..."perverting the scriptures"

  • Listener

    Therefore, one of the primary ways that those judged to be sheep show kindness to Christ’s brothers is by supporting them [anointed brothers] in the preaching work.

    In other words

    Therefore, one of the main things the R&f need to do in order to be saved is by their works as ordered by the so called anointed or Governing Body. In this instance the 'work' is the preaching work.

  • Ajax

    Max Divergent -

    You have spoken truth.

    You've distilled Watchtower 'religion' to the basics.

    They take ancient wisdom and morality plays (parables) that guided mankind for centuries - they claim authorship of, and dispensation of, churn, spin, pervert, misapply, add to, take away, water down, inject, interpret, explain, and threaten with, words and ideas that were never theirs. Their entire 130 year history is nothing but this process.

    I was submerged for the whole cycle you describe fascination, indoctrination, reindoctrination, reindoctrination again, reindoctrima.....WTF !!

    You said 'I neither know nor care what this or any scripture says or means..' that's me today, I was once an elder. Thanks Watchtower.

  • sowhatnow

    wow, ill have to print this convuluted magazine up and get out my highligting marker'

    actually I believe he was talking about the sheep being his sheep as belinging to the house of israel and the goats being those outside the 'kingdom'

    there is always and outside in scritpture, eaning outside the protective exclusive club of the chosen nation .

    but again, the WT

    but lets humor them and assume its not just that.

    like a modern day pharasee, they guilt the flock into works that befit a Earthly Goal. yes man ,who seeks an earthly goal be it money or power or material things, will not inherit the kingdom. so, the GB has basically made sure that they also will not have the kingdom, as they seek earthly treasures.

    they again lead the reader to the identity of thier .gb. headship and not that of jesus . the writer sure does twist and sugest, with that spew, having nothing to do with the scripture real meaning.

    'jesus does not directly mention the preaching work' gee ya think?

    but you think by inserting an idea that makes it right WT? AND YOU, WT critisize others for doing the very same thing.

    from the above post:

    ['He describes the sheep as “righteous” because they recognize that Christ has a group of anointed brothers still on earth, and the sheep loyally support the anointed during these critical last days.']

    now where does anyone get the idea that jesus listeners 'recognized' ANYTHING about a group of men in a far off future, or even then, that was going to lead in place of him? did he say that?

    if he did they wuuld then wonder why they had to bother watching, and wonder why he just said, lift up Your heads, be on the watch, and some of you standing here today will not taste death.......

    did they absorb any idea of 'supporting' anyone? was it not taught that each one must carry his own load??

    let God spit the creators of such nonsense out of his mouth.

  • XkhanX

    This WT writer must have written this article under duress from the GB. You could not have interpreted the scriptures this way unless they under influence. Pretty scary. Utter nonsense!

  • Honesty

    Therefore, one of the primary ways that those judged to be sheep show kindness to Christ’s brothers is by supporting them [anointed brothers] in the preaching work .


    That's just another sneaky tactic to guilt Jehovah's Witnesses into buying more magazines from the society and give them away free of charge.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    He describes the sheep as “righteous” because they recognize that Christ has a group of anointed brothers still on earth, and the sheep loyally support the anointed

    OMG!!! Creature worship at it's finest

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