I was talking with two brothers at the kingdom hall the other day. One of them suggested seeing the new Exodus movie. The other brother says, "I heard it's really violent"! I'm like, really? Does he not even realize how much violent accounts there are in the Bible? Although, this type of thinking shouldn't surprise me.
Stupid comment Witness made about the Exodus film.
by Trapped in JW land 25 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I should be very thankful to JWs' simple-minded, if not stupid comments about movies because if they ever did express well-thought-out and reasonable comments I would be so shocked I would need several days to recuperate.
" Stoopid is as stoopid does, that's what my mamma said" Forrest Gump.
This is just another example of how JW's brains have been turned to mush, they supposedly ( but I doubt it) read these verses every two to three years, but it simply just does not go in.
The whole fiction of the origins of Israel as laid out in the Bible was written to appeal to its 7th/6th Century audience, who knew full well that to escape a World Power and then to carve out your own Kingdom in the Middle East took a lot of violence.
So, a JW would not go see the Exodus movie because it is "violent", yet will probably have no problem reading a bedtime story to their children about David collecting not 100, but 200, Philistine foreskins and 24,000 Israelites being slaughtered for doinking Midianites, some having their genitals run through with spears?
You gotta love the dualistic sense of morality of a JW.
Joe Grundy
Oh, brother ADCMS. you're not thinking 'properly' (tm) here.
Further prayerful reflection and study of the 'Divine Food' will surely bring you to the correct view that this was merely Jehovah demonstrating his loving ways.
(If you find it difficult to come to this correct view, Elders Dumb and Dumber would love to have a chat with you).
"I heard it's really violent"
God kills all the first born of the sons of Egypt, which is by the way called "genocide," next--for an encore--he kills off all of Pharoah's army.
Yeah it's violent.
What a maroon!
Trapped in JW land
That's what really baffles me. These Witnesses will not see violent films, but have no problem with all the Jehovah sanctioned violence in the Bible.
ADCMS, you are not thinking straight. You need to be readjusted and greased with oil. The Eldubs would be happy to "stroke your genitals", figuratively speaking. Nothing calms an alarmed sheep like a good stroking.
My baaaaaaad
j dubb
" With that Samuel hacked A′gag to pieces before Jehovah at Gil′gal."
" Then E′hud drew the sword from his right thigh with his left hand and plunged it into his belly. The handle went in after the blade, and the fat closed in over the blade, for he did not draw the sword out of his belly, and the fecal matter came out. "
"and the inhabitants of Gib′e·ah rose up against me and surrounded the house by night. They meant to kill me, but they raped my concubine instead, and she died. So I took my concubine’s body and cut it up and sent the pieces into every part of Israel’s inheritance, because they had committed a shameful and disgraceful act in Israel."
Yep, the Bible isn't violent at all