Did you know there is nothing more insane than being PARTLY indoctrinated and partly free?
The level of cognitive dissonance is ridiculous!
I have told this story before, so I'll shorten it to cut to the chase.
In 1987, I was dating a professional psychotherapist with a view to marriage. (Much larger story here, eh?)
Everything was lovely.
One day we are having lunch. The discussion wanders to my lady's mother.
She told me how difficult it was growing up under her mother's roof because of the constant efforts to
indoctrinate her by Bible reading.
This is my cue!
Conditioning kicked in!
My "free" mind blinked off. My indoctrinated mind blinked on!
Somehow, in the course of my defense of Scripture, I wandered off into the story of the Nephilim!
Oh yes--I DID!
We are sitting in a restaurant having finished a splendid lunch, sipping wine, gazing into each other's eyes
when suddenly the light begins to dim in the pupils of her eyes!
I'm jibber-jabbering away:
"So, the wicked angels see the daughters of men and begin lusting after them. So, they forsake their position in heaven
and come down to earth and materialize human bodies to have sex! The offspring of this demonic union was the GIANTS of ancient times!"
The expression on her face stabbed me in the heart!
And so did she!
The engagement was shortly broken off.
Not ten minutes ago she walked into this Starbucks where I now sit. I caught her eye and she snubbed me.
Well, why wouldn't she?