Did you know about the organ transplant ban when you were a believer?

by Apognophos 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Apognophos

    Back when I was learning TTATT, I was shocked to read on JWfacts about the organ transplant ban from 1967 to 1980. This was a large piece of evidence for me that the Society could not be God's organization. Growing up as an earnest Witness, and living near the headquarters, I knew a lot of the organization's embarrassing history, and it didn't faze me, but I'd never heard of this ban before, and it shocked me. It's gotten me wondering why no one I know ever talks about it, when it must have affected many Witnesses during that time (or were they getting transplants on the sly? I understand it was not a DFing offense). So my question is a simple one:

    Were you aware of this ban when you were an active, believing Witness, either during the time of the ban, or after transplants were allowed again?

  • OneEyedJoe

    I was the same as you...I never heard an inkling about the transplant thing. To be fair, it wasnt in effect during my lifetime, but I had heard whispers of 1975. I think that it's likely that the only people that knew of the ban were people that needed a transplant ( and thought to investigate 'mother's' thoughts on the matter) and some elders. When I found jwfacts I actually ignored the section about organ transplants because I assumed it was ancient history - in my still somewhat indoctrinated mind, I assumed it was a relic from the 40's or something because transplants were too risky at the time. When I finally looked at it, I was shocked at how recently the ban had been in place.

  • Shanagirl

    I had heard about it and it was explained to me that organ transplants amounted to cannabalism. I was young and naive then, but I never was clearly aware that the ban was no longer in effect.


  • joe134cd

    Had no idea. In fact I had no idea of anything other than what Wt told me. I have learnt more about that religion in 18 months since walking out of the religion than I ever did in 4 decades been a true believer. I didn't even know there was an issue with child abuse.

  • gma-tired2

    I remember a assembly in 1969 dealing with organ transplants. BEing in my early 20, I bought into this organ ban. They were giving experiences as why organ transplants were bad. There was the experience of a man who had a heart transplant and he showed experiences of this man showing the feminine characteristics of the woman whose heart was transplanted. Unfortunately I got into this until I started lurking on this forum. I am now embarrassed that I took their word as no arguing truth. It takes some of us many long years to question what we were taught yet I left mentally over 20 years ago. Our minds are mysterious to accept carp for such a long time. This assembly was in the bleachers of the Bakersfield Fair Rodeo bleachers. Since I was attending a young baby this I'd all remember of this long hot day.

  • smiddy

    Were you aware of this ban when you were an active, believing Witness, either during the time of the ban, or after transplants were allowed again?

    I have to admit I was still active at this time , I think it first came out in a KM , but not 100% sure .While I puzzled over it , wondered about it , I still beleived them to be the truth.

    Today I am a registered organ donor , they can have whatever is of any use to them if it means helping some other poor soul to have a better quality of life.

    ( my kidneys might be a little pickled by now , and i`m sure my privates are not going to do anybody any good , hopefully whats left may be of use )


  • Fulano2

    Yes I knew it was cannibalism according to the org. As I didn't know anyone having or needing one, it wasn't a great deal to me.

  • Heartofaboy

    Yes I was a JW when this was trotted out by the WT.

    It was even printed on the official WT issue 'BLOOD CARD' for a time.

    Organ transplant was cannabalism & examples or reports of personality changes after organs were transplanted were given in the WT or Awake............this was particularly so with heart transplants we were told.

    The recipients apparently took on the personality of the donors.

    Spiritual food from big ole J's bounteous table.

    You had to believe it to be saved....now it isn't worth shit.

  • venting

    I remember it. People acting like the people who donated the organ. How f-ing stupid can they get? I remember hearing that about people who get a transfussion. And I remember hearing rummors from the grape vine, like just the thought of having someone's blood or an organ in me makes me sick! Give me a break. I'm not sure where those rummors start "probably in bethel" but thet travel faster than if it was in print!

  • notsurewheretogo

    Was very unaware of this when I was in...as is my still-in wife.

    So I painted her a picture.

    The year is 1979 and we have a child who becomes critically ill to the point that they need an organ transplant to live. We read the society's doctrine that an organ transplant is a disfellowshipping practice due to the fact that the body "consumes" the donated organ in an act of cannablism and that a personality transplant may occur.

    So we want our child to be faithful and the child eventually dies.

    Fast forward two years to 1981 and our second child is critically ill, again let us say due to a genetic defect it too needs an organ transplant to live.

    We look up the society's guidelines only now to see it is a conscience matter, we choose to get the organ transplant and the child lives.

    According to the society both children have been faifthul to the "truth" yet one lived, one dies.

    Seriously, on what planet would a god ever act in this manner?

    The above story that I painted to my still-in wife has her deeply troubled.

    And the question begs, who got it wrong in 1969? Did Jehovah get it wrong to say it was cannabilism? Or that Personality Transplant is fact? Did Jehovah correct himself in 1980?

    Because if he did then I want nothing to do with a god like that.

    Or is it all just men's ideas? Is it a case that the GB make these doctrines based on what they think the scriptures say?

    If that is the case and Jehovah has to correct them why did it take 11 years? And if that is indeed the case how can the GB expect me to blindly follow, to listen, obey and be blessed if they have to be corrected on life changing doctrines?

    How can the GB expect me to follow this statement: "All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not." IF they get it wrong.

    Either way, if Jehovah got it wrong or the men got it wrong is irrelevant...because whatever the answer you would have nothing to do with either of them.

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