Except picture changes, what are the content changed in new bible teach book? Which pages?
What Are changes reflected in New Bible teach book?
by Joshua.r 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Ha ha how ironic, is there really a revision to the bible teach book?
So what the bible teaches, just changed? Hmmmmmmm. Only in WT world.
So now it should be called:
"what does the bible really really really teach as of 2015 anyway?"
Once again "a book" is made "The Teacher"
People do you not realize that no book by any name (man gave the book the Bible its name) can be our teacher! No book teaches! Christ teaches!
Why would an organization NOT create and entitle a book, "The What Does CHRIST Teach"
Matthew 23:8
But YOU, do not YOU be called Rabbi, for one is YOUR teacher, whereas all YOU are brothers.
John 13:13
YOU address me, ‘Teacher,’ and, ‘Lord,’ and YOU speak rightly, for I am such.
Many of you have become students (disciples) of the Bible rather than students (disciples) of Christ.
The Bible gets far more mention and prominence than our one TRUE Teacher and "Word of God!"
Does not anyone find this strange?
I've heard that the new 'Teach book' contains "overlapping" teachings.
just saying
On the back it has to the jw dot org logo but aloof from that, nothing.
Here is a link to a side-by-side comparison, in PDF form. DL: http://www.76543al.com/ftp/BHDiff.pdf -
Oh, great, thanks wifibandit, reading through this now. So far most of the changes are updating the scriptural quotations to the rNWT's version, as expected. Though I am surprised that they removed the "drenched with misery" rendering that was quoted from The Holy Bible in the Language of Today on the first page. That is a more poetic phrase than "filled with dishonor and affliction".
The next notable change is that they've changed some of the passive scripture citations to the same style of "Read" directives that they use in the Watchtower study articles and maybe elsewhere; so "—1 Peter 5:7" might become "—Read 1 Peter 5:7."
Page 16 makes the surprising change of "spirit" to "Spirit" and "person" to "Person" when referring to Jehovah. I'm not familiar with this being done before in the literature.
They changed single 'p's to double 'p's, e.g. "worshipers" to "worshippers". I wholeheartedly approve of this change but I'm surprised because the Society always used to use double 'p's, so I don't know why it was ever different here.
They changed "evildoer" to "criminal" on page 36, probably as a reflection of the change in the NWT's wording; this is not a word in a scriptural quotation but in the book's own text.
Page citations were changed from the style "197-9" to "197-199", also a sensible change.
The statement on page 51, "He experienced harsh whipping, cruel impalement, and an agonizing death on a torture stake" now reads, "He was whipped and nailed to the torture stake, suffering an agonizing death" since the rNWT no longer uses the word "impale".
Images of the NWT have of course been updated from the old black-cover appearance to the gray-cover appearance, including on page 54 where they Photoshopped a woman to be holding the new Bible instead of the old one. In so doing, they did a cheap job of painting a shadow from her hand on the new gray cover.
"As you grow in knowledge of Jehovah" on page 55 is now "As you come to know Jehovah", reflecting the change in John 17:3 in the rNWT. In line with this, the sentence immediately preceding the John citation says "get to know the Great Giver, Jehovah" instead of "get to know more about the Great Giver, Jehovah".