How about this 'temporal statistic' dumbass: Do you know what they called the typical 35 year old human for 100,000 years??? Dead. Deceased. Do you know what they called the typical 35 year old human, including the average 35 year old American, in the year 1900???
Dead. Deceased.
Chorination/disinfection of water and wastewater supplies followed a few decades later by antibioltics were two of the primary reasons life expectancies surged post 1900.
So which time period would you dumbasses want to live in? If you pick anything pre-1900 you are most likely dead right now. Unless you are under the age of 35 and then you might have a few more years left.
The air, soil and water are cleaner now than they were 20, 50 even 75 years ago in most if not all of the industrial countries. There are problems, but cleanup continues unabated. Developing countries have some issues, but China and others are showing strong commitments to ending pollution.
In most industrial nations there are more trees now than there were 100 years ago. And the cyber world is an infant; we shall see greater improvements to the environment in the future. There is a ton of data which states the same thing.