I'm an ass kisser!

by Beck_Melbourne 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hi all...just thought you should I'm proud to be an ass kisser!!

    Received this email only minutes after my post on Simon's thread....what do you make of this?


    Simon is biased his friends do as they like cursing and name calling all
    over the board . You're full of shit ass kisser! BECK!


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    Thank you for using the www.Jehovahs-Witness.com discussion forum !

    btw...for the record Simon, I like you, I like your forum, I like the people here...so you might wanna wipe the lipstick off your ass now...cos I don't really give a fat rat's freckle what people think!!
    You deserve the credit for the work you do...and I'm not ashamed to thank you nor acknowledge you for it!!


  • Elsewhere

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Farkel


    : what do you make of this?

    The writer had an IQ equal to the room temperature of an igloo, that's what.


  • Prisca

    <sarcasm>I wonder who it's from???</sarcasm>


  • Beck_Melbourne
    The writer had an IQ equal to the room temperature of an igloo, that's what

    You're being too generous Farkel...that's not like you!

  • chezza

    A ass kisser and a motor licker, beck you really have come along in the world, lol.

  • Solace

    Hey girl,
    If thats the worst thing they can say about you, well then you must be alright!!! Oh and big smooches from me too!!!!!!

  • WildHorses


    Ignore it. I am going to from now on or I might say something I shouldn't.

  • terafera

    I completely agree... I dont understand why people attack Simon. He does not over moderate or control excessively at all! If anyone here goes to other message boards, which I have in the past, there are some who will delete anything you say that they dont agree with. I think he is very patient and forgiving of posters...

    When you think about it, it's his board. We come in, wipe our feet on his rug, drink his beer, change his tv and then complain if he says anything about it! He has been nothing but totally cool and respectful to me. I guess you get what you give....

    If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

  • plmkrzy

    Welcome aboard Beck!
    I too was so accused.

    plum, of the ass kisser class

    Yeah we be ass kissers but we kiss only Prime Grade AA Ass!

    [email protected]

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