Disfellowshipping Child Abusers

by TheMatrix 17 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • TheMatrix

    I have a question on the issue of child abusers within the Organization.

    I know that it should be reported to the authorities as it is a crime against human laws, but it is also a sin against Jehovah so it must handled theocratically also.

    My question is: Should a child abuser be disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation?

  • Elsewhere

    They are DFed (if there are two or more witnesses)... and then when the abuser goes to the elders whimpering that he want back in, they let him back in.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • SixofNine

    Sure, if they are unrepentant, they should be df'd. If they are repentant, they should not be df'd.

    Your questions are so easy even a body of elders could get them wrong.

    of course, the above has nothing to do with whether or not they shoud be shot in the head

  • Hmmm

    Of course. But first priority goes to secular justice and protection of children. Jehovah can mete out his justice in "His due time."


  • happy man
    happy man

    Whats childmoldestion?
    I wood bee intresting to have a disscussion on this, i think it is diffrent oppinons of this.

  • crawdad2

    hi matrix,

    naa, "molesters" and "rapist elders" shouldn't be disfellowshipped...
    alot of them give good talks!!!!
    it's best just to overlook their crimes, and focus on the real criminals, those who "oppose the elders" for not taking action against rapist elders.........they are "apostates"!!!!!......and as such need to be quickly removed from the congregations forever.

  • TheMatrix
    Sure, if they are unrepentant, they should be df'd.

    So, is there biblical guidance that says that a child abuser must be disfellowshipped?

  • SixofNine

    no, of course not. But then, there isn't much guidance from the bible about df'ing in general, now is there? But yes, when they demand DFing, apostates are going overboard. Why should we care if they are DF'd or not?

    The congregation should however, be protected, as should the public. DFing the perp protects the congregation, sorta, for a time, but it isn't scriptural unless the perp insist on being allowed to continue his crime while still being a member of the cong.

    Oh the web we weave when we try to guide our lives by the extremely limited (and oft perverted) wisdom of people from 3 thousand years ago.

  • 144thousand_and_one

    Disfellowshipping child abusers? That would mean you would have to disfellowship anyone who subjects their children to the misery that is the Watchtower.

    How many out there can remember the multitudes of beatings that took place on kingdom hall property with the tacit approval of the Jehovah's Witnesses? As I recall, most of those beatings were doled out to children who were acting age-appropriate in their inability to sit still for hours of brain numbing programming delivered from the podium by idiots.

    What about the JW parents who force their children to slave away their childhood years, from house to house without compensation, marketing the JW's hateful message of intolerance to anyone weak-minded enough to listen to it? I'm sure the WTS and its advocates will find some alternative words to characterize this slavery, but it is clearly another form of abuse.

    Of course, the emotional trauma experienced by mere adherence to Watchtower rules concerning involvement in school sports and other activities, fellowship with normal people (i.e. "worldly" people), blood, etc., is a form of abuse in and of itself.

  • SYN

    Well, going with the Tower's interpretation of Biblical laws (it's selective interpretation, I might add), technically yes, since child abuse is clearly a form of molestation. However, one interesting thought to remember is that many of the laws that the Society has made come from books written thousands of years ago by people who gave away 12 year old children in marriage as a matter of course. Was that child abuse? It's your call!

    As others have noted, basing one's rules and laws upon those in a book written 3000 years ago by nomads isn't a particularly smart thing to do in the first place. That is exactly why there are so many problems right now in the BORG.

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

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