where in london can i talk to someone/get help

by chrism 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • chrism
    Hi my name is chris. Im in a not good way and need to know where in london i can talk to someone/get help? Im currently sleeping rough in london. Since my teens i have been blighted by an addiction to gambling. Something i cant get over in this country. Its in my face everywhere. I have tried to stop but it always creeps back. I have been offered a chance of a new life in the south of france. Working in a community and a chance to make a difference and a new life. this is my prediciment i need advice with. On friday i recieve 60 pound. Travel to pau in france via coach is around 90-100 pound. now been the person i am with the addiction the only chance i see is friday i try to make the 60 into 100 so i can go and live my new dream. Chances are ill end up with nothing and still being on the streets. Someone please give me some advice i cant stop crying with the worry. I just want to go
  • steve2

    By your account you are in a difficult spot. Are you wanting money to get to France? If so, using an internet forum to get it will elicit concerns you are part of a scam.

    Tell us about your background? Why have you made your plea through this forum? What other steps have you taken to get the necessary money, including other internet appeals?

    Given you say you have a gambling addiction, have you approached any of the social services that assess and provide treatment for gambling addictions in London? One symptom of gambling addictions is dishonesty - people will do almost anything to lie to family and friends about their use of money. Unfortunately, people need to be strictlyhard-nosed and questioning over any gambler's claims to want to get better. The internet is not an appropriate forum for soliciting help.

    You will no doubt understand people's scepticism, given the nature of the internet, and the ease with which people can spin hard-luck stories.

  • nicolaou

    Chris, I'm about 50 miles from London. Have you tried the Samaritans as a first contact? They may be able to offer you some professional guidance and support. Please tell us more about yourself. How did you get to where you are now?


  • chrism
    Hi im not trying to scam anyone. Im not asking for money purely for someone to talk to. I just dont know where to turn anymore. Thankyou for your suggestion i will try and find a samaritans. Believe it or not i just googled message boards/help and noticed this one. I am 40 and yes i have lost just about everyone i have ever cared about through lying and cheating as most gamblers have!! been in london but having no local connection it is very difficult to access most services available. My chance of a new life is genuine i just hope i can find a way. But your right maybe this is not the place im just at my wits end and typing is easy. I apologise for posting here
  • GrreatTeacher

    No need to apologize, we just might not know the best way to help you since this is predominantly an Ex-Jehovah's Witness forum.

    I think my advice would be to take that 60 pounds and hold onto it for dear life. That's a guaranteed 100% return on your money.

  • Listener

    You can get bus ticket from london to Calais France for about 30£ it should be less than 30£ the rest of the way.

    Ask whoever is giving you the money to buy the tickets instead.

    Gambling is a problem in many countries.

  • chrism
    Hi thanks for your advice. Its a final 63 from some work i was doing. Believe me ive researched it. 35 to paris. Around 30 euro from paris to bayonne and about 15 euros from bayonne to pau. As i said thanks for taking the time to reply everyone. Thing is my problem is roulette in bookmakers.something that will be removed from me in my new life
  • Mephis
    Hi Chris, the chances of people helping you out directly with money are slim sorry. As you're rough sleeping, I'm guessing that you are currently receiving benefits? If so £60 for the fortnight seems very low? Have you tried accessing a social fund loan? They can help with travel costs providing you have evidence of why you need to travel. As you're rough sleeping, Streetlink may be able to help you with finding options to get off the streets and maybe get some help with your addiction: http://www.streetlink.org.uk/ . All the best.
  • fulano
    Chris, go to the nearby kingdom-hall, or jw.org building. They might help you.
  • clarity

    Chris ......sorry for your awful predicament.......you do have our compassion dear. Try to keep your mind calm to keep your panic down. hang on to that bit of money. Maybe offer to wash dishes/sweep up in a restaurant to pay for a good breakfast. Make sure to drink as much water as you can .....a dehydrated brain cannot think.

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